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So I'm sure a lot of people have seen these kinds of threads in the AUR forum. While I understand the reasoning behind this (to have all of the packages in your repo in the same thread, maybe getting some recognition for your work, etc), I just wanted to say that I personally find this very frustrating from a users point of view.
Before, I used to be able to browse the forum and see what new packages are available simply from thread names. This made it very easy to click on the threads that I wanted to learn more about a package. Now I see a bunch of threads that have new posts and I have to click on every one of them to see the new packages. Since 95% of the time I won't care about the package, it's just a frustrating and time-consuming experience for me now.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that these people are taking the time to contributepackages and setup repos for others to benefit. But am I the only one that feels this way?
I am a gated community.
No, you can browse AUR for PKGBUILDS, not packages..
Plus, there's currently no way to sort by when packages are added. So there's really no way to see what the latest packages added were. I have 'new package notify' checked too and it doesn't seem to do anything yet...?
And I prefer the forum just because I can see what others say about the packages. Feedback is very important.
I am a gated community.
stonecrest - i use your less prefered approach purely so people can search to see if the PKGBUILD is already provided - i appreciate that that is not much good to you as you wish to see when people add new pkgs but i personally have the same gripe about pacman...
No, you can browse AUR for PKGBUILDS, not packages...
You missed the point. Your original post said "I used to go to the forums and browse to see new packages" - whatever the symantics, package, PKGBUILD, lollipop, it doesn't matter - you can browse the AUR now. If there's bugs, go ahead and log it in the bug tracker.
Pages: 1