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hi archer's
first .. i want to say that i'am very beginner with bash and also with english .. so sorry if my script is not perfect
I don't know if anyone already speak about this for archlinux but frugalware use a text web navigator to find the latest release of a package. I juste write a litle script for this idea.
I have some PKGBUILD in my local repo , and i really don't like to check every week if a new release is out. But it will be very usefull like for AUR to send mail automatiquely to the maintener of a PKGBUILD if it need to be updated.
So i had a new line in my PKGBUILD like this :
exemple for tuxracer :
MAJ='elinks -dump "" | grep tuxracer-.*.tar.gz | sed -n "s/.*tuxracer-(.*).tar.gz.*/1/; 1 p"'
the $MAJ value is :
[root@geekitus geekitus]# lynx -dump "" | grep tuxracer-.*.tar.gz | sed -n "s/.*tuxracer-(.*).tar.gz.*/1/; 1 p"
Ok, so $MAJ is the latest release number of the package ...
exemples for some others PKGBUILD :
for t1utils :
[/[root@geekitus geekitus]# lynx -dump | grep "t1utils-.*.tar.gz" | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/.*-(.*).tar.gz.*/1/"
for ppracer :
[geekitus@geekitus Mail]$ lynx -dump "" | grep "ppracer-.*.tar.bz2" | tail -n 1 | sed "s/.*ppracer-(.*).tar.bz2.*/1/"
Pour postgresql :
[geekitus@geekitus Mail]$ wget --passive-ftp -O - -q|grep '.[0-9]/</a> $'|sed -n 's|.*v([0-9.]*)/</a> $|1|;$ p'
After i just create a very litle script (with my bad bash level) wich read the $pkgver= and $MAJ and wich compares their value.
So this script could be launched with crond in the night or i could be send a mail at the package maintener for exemple.
Results of the script : (the log file)
exemple with the mode "log all" :
(i had some colors , i like the color ! )
check on :dimanche mai 08, 2005 at 05:27:44 CEST
the log file exist OK
check of amarok :
pkgver in the PKGBUILD : 1.2.3
latest release : 1.2.3
pkgver of the amarok PKGBUILD is updated : 1.2.3
check of amarok2 :
pkgver in the PKGBUILD : 1.2.4
latest release : 1.2.3
pkgver of the amarok2 PKGBUILD is newest : 1.2.4 <-> 1.2.3
check of dillo :
pkgver in the PKGBUILD : 0.8.3
latest release : 0.8.4
the dillo PKGBUILD need to be updated : 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
The script :
the link : …
preview :
#define color :
xC1='e[0;37m' # white
xC2='e[1;32m' # green
xC3='e[1;34m' # blue
xC4='e[1;31m' # red
NC='e[0m' # end of color
# vérify the user :
if [ $UID != 0 ] ; then
echo -e "${xC4} You must be root to exec this script $NC"
exit 0
# where are PKGBUILD and the file log ? :
# directory where are the PKGBUILDs :
rep_PKGBUILD=/home/geekitus/script-MAJ-PKGBUILD #exemple /var/abs/local
# log file :
# verbose : 0: log only the packages wich need to be updated
# 1: log all
# add the date of the check in the log :
echo -e "***********************************************************************************" >> $log
echo -e "check on :`date +%A` `date +%b` `date +%d,` `date +%Y` at `date +%H:%M:%S` `date +%Z`" >> $log
echo -e "***********************************************************************************" >> $log
#test and/or create the log file :
# first : test if the log file exist :
if [ -f $log ]; then
echo -en "the log file exist n" >>$log
echo -e " ${xC2}OK$NC" >>$log
# if it don't exist, i create it :
echo -en "${xC4}create the log file :$NC n" >>$log
touch $log
# after i test if it was created :
if [ -f $log ]; then
echo -e " ${xC2}OK$NC" >>$log
# if not : there is an error :
else "${xC4} error creating the log file$NC n" >>$log
# check the pkgver and the latest package release
cd $rep_PKGBUILD # go in the PKGBUILD directory
for PKGBUILD in `find * | grep PKGBUILD`; # find all PKGBUILD in the $rep_PKGBUILD=
eval `grep pkgname= $PKGBUILD`; # find the pkgname
eval `grep pkgver= $PKGBUILD`; # find the pkgver
eval `grep MAJ $PKGBUILD`; # find the latest release
# if verbose = 1, we log all messages :
if (( $verbose == 1 )); then
echo "check of $pkgname : " >> $log
echo "---------------------" >> $log
echo "pkgver in the PKGBUILD : $pkgver" >> $log
echo "latest release : $MAJ" >> $log
# if the PKGBUILD release of the package is newest than the latest release :
if (( $((10#${pkgver//[^0-9]})) > $((10#${MAJ//[^0-9]})) )); then
echo -e "${xC3}pkgver of the $pkgname PKGBUILD is newest : $pkgver <-> $MAJ $NC n" >>$log
# if the PKGBUILD is updated :
elif (( $((10#${pkgver//[^0-9]})) == $((10#${MAJ//[^0-9]})) )); then
echo -e "${xC2}pkgver of the $pkgname PKGBUILD is updated : $pkgver $NC n" >>$log
# if the PKGBUILD need to be updated :
elif (( $((10#${pkgver//[^0-9]})) < $((10#${MAJ//[^0-9]})) )); then
echo -e "${xC4}the $pkgname PKGBUILD need to be updated : $pkgver -> $MAJ $NC n" >>$log
# if other : there is an error :
echo -e "${xC4}error calculating... $NC n" >>$log
# if we want to log only the package wich need to be updated :
# if verbose = 0 , we log only PKGBUILD we need to be updated
if (( $verbose == '0' )); then
if (( $((10#${pkgver//[^0-9]})) < $((10#${MAJ//[^0-9]})) )); then
echo -e "${xC4}the $pkgname PKGBUILD need to be updated : $pkgver -> $MAJ $NC n" >>$log
unset MAJ
Man, I can't wait to try it out! Doh, where's my PuTTY so I can give it a try right away!
Very nice effort.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
Well, it seems to work: there was a result log in /var/log and all my PKGBUILDs seem up to date. I haven't verified so far tho.
I also have a feature request: after running the script it would be nice to get a little output, something like "go check /var/log/check_PKGBUILD_update.log" .
Maybe it would be cool to use the output layout pacman uses, to give the script the Arch-feel. But that's of course not important right now.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
I've got some bad news: there seems to be a newer version for KRename (3.0.4) but your script reported my version (3.0.3) to be the newest. In your defense, version 3.0.3 is still shown on the website.
Other package incorrectly reported to be up to date: Leafnode.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
oh, sorry , i missing to explain something :
the line MAJ= can change for each packages .
Exemple for your package :
lynx -dump "" |grep "krename-.*.tar.bz2" | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/.*krename-(.*).tar.bz2.*/1/"
Now with the good line it will report the good released
the MAJ line are very often the same or practically the same. Just need a litle "trainning" i think
I think it's a very origninal idee!
One question out of curiosity, why do you use
lynx -dump | ...
isn't this the same as
wget <file> && cat <file> | ...
Hate to break it to you, but our buddies over at came up with this. Frugalware is an Arch-based distro, and I noticed several months ago that they had this [pretty much exact] mechanism in use.
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
Hate to break it to you, but our buddies over at came up with this. Frugalware is an Arch-based distro, and I noticed several months ago that they had this [pretty much exact] mechanism in use.
Arf, i write my first post too quickly ,
My first post for this script was written on the archlinuxfr forum :
(I just research a system to help maintening my PKGBUILD on archlinuxfr.)
On this post, i wrote clearly that i found this idea in frugalware and i just wrote a script to use this idea. I write english with a lot of more difficulty than french and it's true that i should have say ( like on the french forum) that frugalware use this système and i only write a script to use this.
Really sorry for this missing, :oops: (but i didn't thing bad )
I correct this now
Don't feel bad, I didn't read very carefully, and I didn't mean to accuse, just mention that I've seen it somewhere before, heh.
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
Don't feel bad, I didn't read very carefully, and I didn't mean to accuse, just mention that I've seen it somewhere before, heh.
no problems
An other solution (nore easy to use but not perfect) will be to get the download internet page of a package, calculate the md5sum, and if the md5sum is different , then, mail the maintener .
So the PKGBUILD will contain the url of the download page and a md5sum of this page. The script will get the download page and calculate the md5sum, if it's diffents then it could send a mail to the package maintener.
In some case this is not perfect, but the download page of a package don't change very often.
What do you think about this ?
wouldn't it be better to pass the pkgname and wildcards to MAJ with a command line option maybe
wouldn't it be better to pass the pkgname and wildcards to MAJ with a command line option maybe
oh yes, but i'm not very good in bash (i write my first bash script four weeks ago ) .. so if anyone want to continue/modify/ or add some new functions in the script i will be very happy because i think that it's a really good idea and usefull to use it (like for mailling mainteners automatically in AUR).
just one question : how do the mainteners of archlinux (for current and extra ) to know when a new release of a package is out for the 2500 packages !! ? (i think that all morning they don't search for all packages if a new release is out )
we have to tell them - it's a good system - except when a packge is flagged out of date for about 4 releases then you have to submit a bug report
oh, sorry , i missing to explain something :
the line MAJ= can change for each packages .
Exemple for your package :
lynx -dump "" |grep "krename-.*.tar.bz2" | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/.*krename-(.*).tar.bz2.*/1/" 3.0.4
Now with the good line it will report the good released
the MAJ line are very often the same or practically the same. Just need a litle "trainning" i think
So, worst case scenario, I'd have to change the MAJ line for each package?
I'll look into it better later: I'm at home on a Windows laptop right now. :cry:
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.