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3.8 20-December-2010
- modified thumb cache, reduced load time.
- modified 'back' to scroll to last item if in parent folder.
- fixed issue with bookmarks/address bar when accessing hidden folders.
- fixed bug with custom actions after cancelling changes.
A quick idea: how about a list of all possible key shortcuts to use with customizable bindings - somewhere in README, or maybe in a Help menu?
I just tried transferring a large ISO file but there was no progress window.
Another bug: sometimes showing hidden files will be toggled off.
Last edited by anonymous_user (2010-12-20 16:45:33)
Few more bugs: when accessing hidden folder through address bar when hidden files are off it successfully navigates to it (which is very nice) but it enables hidden files option in the process, forcing the user to turn the hidden files off, and then back on if he wants to view all hidden files again. My point: manual access of hidden folders shouldn't toggle view hidden files option.
And 1/3 progress bar thing is still there. This one isn't a bug, it's a beast
I made it so the hidden doesn't toggle on/off automatically now.
And 1/3 progress bar thing is still there. This one isn't a bug, it's a beast
I don't know how to fix this, its very weird. It doesn't happen on my work machine, but it does on my home machine. I'm calling Qt bug!
Here's an experiment, if someone can confirm it for me, to show its not a qtfm problem.
1. Start 'designer' and from the wizard that pops up pick any one, dialog, widget, main window - doesn't matter and click create.
2. Add a progress bar from the widgets list.
3. Click on the dialog part (so the progress bar is not highlighted) and choose a layout from the toolbar above. The first one will do, looks like 3 vertical stripes. This just makes the progress bar resize automatically with the dialog.
4. Click/highlight the progress bar again and in the properties window (probably on the right side) scroll down and set the maximum to 0. The progress bar should go into busy mode.
5. Grab the bottom corner of the dialog and play with the size. You can find sizes that the progress bar is normal and others where its spazzing out.
I found it also depends on the theme. ie. find a size where its borked then from the menu preview it in another theme, like cleanlooks/gtk/plastique. What works in one may/may not work in another theme etc.
Last edited by Wittfella (2010-12-21 02:21:39)
The address line in qtfm is wonderfull, I am just missing one thing, automatic completion of path as it is in shell. If it's already there, which shortcut should I use?
If not, I'd like Tab key as it is in shell, well somebody prefers tab for toggle between parts of the window…:-)
Last edited by Behemot (2010-12-21 10:21:05)
Another bug: segmentation fault when right clicking image files (in any view).
^ I cannot confirm that. I right-clicked on some PNG and JPG images and had no segmentation fault.
That sounds like it can only be to do with a custom action you have on image files if its only affecting that type of file.
Run it from a terminal and see if it spits out any messages.
No messages in terminal. It has to do something with recent changes because it didn't show up before. I did a bit more investigating.
These are my custom actions:
%00=gz, Extract here, synaptic, urxvt -e tar xf %f
%01=zip, Unzip here, synaptic, urxvt -e unzip %f -d %n
%02=rar, Unrar here, synaptic, urxvt -e unrar x %f
%03=png, Edit with GIMP, gimp, gimp %f
%04=png, Make thumbnail 20%, image, convert -resize 20% %f %n_bigthumb.png
%05=png, Make thumbnail 10%, image, convert -resize 10% %f %n_thumb.png
%06=jpg, Edit with GIMP, gimp, gimp %f
%07=bmp, Edit with GIMP, gimp, gimp %f
%08=jar, Run JAR, do, java -jar %f
%09=pdf, Open with Zathura, evince, zathura %f
%0A=nrg, Convert to ISO, do, urxvt -e nrg2iso %f %n.iso
%0B=iso, Mount to VD, do, sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 %f /media/vd/
%0C=iso, Umount any image, do, sudo umount /media/vd/
%0D=*, Delete (safe), stop, rm -r %f
%0E=*, Delete (destroy!), error, sudo rm -rf %f
%0F=*, Compress, synaptic, urxvt -e tar czf %f.tar.gz %f
%10=*, Unrar recursively, do, urxvt -e /home/igor/scripts/ %f
Segmentation fault happens on .jpg, but not on .png - although they have same custom acton, png has even a few more. And now the really weird thing - if I open up Custom actions and click save or cancel, segmentation fault disappears BUT now the custom action for .jpg is the one that should be for .jar (I right click jpg and it has .jar custom actions) - two rows down in the custom action table. Weird...
BTW why not combine your custom actions for images into one like:
%02="bmp,gif,jpg,jpeg,png", Open with GIMP, gimp, gimp %f
Hey, I used your list and got the same segfault with jpg's. Turns out the problem is it doesn't like multiple custom actions with the same name.
So in your case you have 3 'Edit in GIMP' items which is giving it grief. As anonymous mentioned, you can get around your problem by combining the suffix's into one custom action. Incidentally that makes the shortcuts dialog neater also because you won't have multiple entries with the same name.
I'll have to fix the problem, but for now just remember - no two custom actions with the exact same text.
Yeah, that fixes it, thanks. What bugs me is that I'm only noticing this now, and I've used these custom actions for quite some time. That leads me to believe that either 1) this is a new bug 2) I've been extremely (un)lucky to avoid this bug considering the time I've spent working with images.
I've tried the 1/3 progress bug in qt-creator, it indeed seems like QT bug.
Anyway... I've been thinking about an idea on how to improve progress bar so it shows actual progress for single files.
1) I noticed when copying single large file and refreshing the destination folder in the background, that size of the file is growing steadily. Can't we just fetch that information (current destination file size) each second to display the percentage accurately? This probably won't work with mixture of multiple files and/or folders.
2) We can guess the copy rate.....
//edit: blah, blah, blah - forget this
Last edited by karabaja4 (2010-12-22 19:06:00)
Yay! No more busy mode for us! Try it out, make sure I haven't introduced some weirdness
On a side note, yesterday I submitted a bug report to the Qt bugtracker about the progress busy mode issue (well a bug report was already there but it had gone stale, requesting more info), and today it has been fixed already! It says it should make it into 4.7.2.
Props to those guys!
Yeah, progress works as expected, except when watching the destination dir, file size is wrong when copying is finished. Maybe just hit an automatic refresh for that folder?
BTW. about the guessing copy rate idea...
//edit: blah, blah, blah - forget this
Last edited by karabaja4 (2010-12-22 19:05:48)
Actually, here's even simpler and better solution! Forget all this nonsense above
Basically we do for multiple files what we did for single file - at beginning (or switch between) of copying each individual file(s), we check the current size and increase the progress by the same percentage that is current file size / total file size, scaled on percentage that is allocated for that file in total progress based on it's size. For example if total percentage of file is 25% in total progress (which is determined by it's size) and its steadily copying 0-100%, the progress should go 0-25% for that file as it is copied (0.25% for each percentage). Sounds good?
P.S. Please excuse me for spamming, just shooting around some ideas
Last edited by karabaja4 (2010-12-22 16:41:22)
Bugs, before I forget:
- clicking refresh too fast (for example holding F5) causes segfault.
- refresh should reorder items by selected criteria - for example when we paste something it doesn't end up where it should alphabetically in the file list - refresh should reorder everything.
- hover on details view over "Date Modified" gives strange output inside status bar - different date format than in details view (it shows seconds?) and has a T letter between date and time.
QTFM is in [community] as of 14:00:00 (or something) 12/23/10 CST.
Wittfella: Could you please update your original post so it doesn't point towards the non-existent AUR package?
Congratulations, Wittfella!
Congrats from me to, i was voted to qtfm move to [community] XD
Congratulations, Wittfella!
3.9 24-December-2010
- modified address bar auto-completion, more like tab completion in terminal.
- modified progress dialog for single file operations, now actual bytes not busy mode.
- fixed issue with refresh not updating sort order.
- fixed issue with updating size after cut/copy operations.
- fixed issue with dates in detail view.
Hi, thanks for the update
A new bug in 3.9 (wasn't there in 3.8): refresh doesn't update file size anymore (try compress a big file with custom action - after compress is done it gets wrong size - try refresh, it doesn't fix it).
And while we're at this, would it be possible to hit automatic refresh after custom actions? That would take care of wrong file size problem once and for all I think.
BTW, details view is little slowish when switching between folders (only by a bit), if you can do anything about that I would be eternally grateful Oh, and I hope you will consider making progress to show bytes for multiple files/folders
Last edited by karabaja4 (2010-12-24 15:56:55)