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#26 2005-04-23 04:33:55

From: A bar near you
Registered: 2004-09-10
Posts: 310

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

well, he tested a Linux box and was really impress by its speed and stability.  His only complain was that was unable to run some stock programs he had.  Even we installed Cross Over Office, and all of them refuse to work.


#27 2005-04-23 04:58:35

Registered: 2004-04-20
Posts: 106

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

I am the parent.


#28 2005-04-23 05:51:11

From: Brisbane, Aus
Registered: 2004-12-21
Posts: 658

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

dk wrote:

I am the parent.

Owned! tongue

Nah, I'd like to dual-boot my parents machine with Arch, all dad uses it for is web browsing Subaru sites and checking emails and PMs and the various forums he frequents. He could easily use linux without a drama, mum on the other hand uses a Windows-only accounting software that doesn't run in wine (cxoffice)


#29 2005-04-23 09:38:41

From: UK
Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 464

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Linux ? nay.

if i asked my parents if they used Windows, they would be thinking in terms of glass panes framed by either wood or plastic.



#30 2005-04-25 17:48:33

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

No they don't use Linux - in fact, my parents have never used computers.



#31 2005-04-25 17:51:12

Registered: 2005-03-01
Posts: 442

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My wife and our kids (ages 10 - 20) use Linux, exclusively.  My parents would, but my dad is deceased and my mom, at age 84, has trouble seeing very well.

So I guess I'm in the "I am the parent" camp.  8)

So, if any of you Archers don't eat your peas or if you get out of line....  :twisted:


#32 2005-05-09 21:20:12

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2004-05-18
Posts: 37

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My parents actually were quite against Linux, for it was known to be incredibly difficult to use. So when they got my old comp I just gave them a choice at boot-time: Win XP or Archlinux. With default a well configured Arch Linux ofcourse wink

It turned out they liked Arch more for it's speed and user friendlines! (Long live KDE for this purpose). My mom's mail account automatically starts up and checks her mail. There aren't any messages asking to update or check for viruses or whatever (virus? what was that? wink ) And she actually found Abiword much easier to use than MS Office for it has a much cleaner interface and less AI. (Why does office do this? I don't understand)

It's a big succes overall big_smile


#33 2005-05-09 21:26:52

From: Gotland ,Sweden
Registered: 2005-03-17
Posts: 645

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Well, since my father is a network/computer systems administrator he is quite used to unix/linux..although he doesn't run it exclusivly on his computers, he preferers win2003/longhorn  but he also uses Sun Solaris and Slackware (and of course he is using an router that is using Linux as the core)
He finds Linux/Unix a nice and very stable os, although win2003 does the job equal or at better than Linux/unix for the works he needs to get done at home

my mother use only win2003 sad  -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)

Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1  (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17


#34 2005-05-09 22:28:15

From: Black Hills, USA
Registered: 2005-05-06
Posts: 111

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My mom and my uncle could possibly use Linux easily.. But it's my grandma's computer... and if you move an icon on the desktop she freaks out but can't remember where things go but o well... It's her comp but i did dual boot Red Hat 9(slow as hell...).  Evil Compaq complains that's it had a "unix system" on it and won't go away... nobody notices since it's always just running XP(slow as hell as well). The funny thing is, my grandma probally only checks her email once a month and that's it... lol.  She is very afraid of change i think.  If i tell her i was on her comp she asks why?.  I think I'm the only computer-savvy person in my family.   Except an uncle that lives in Texas but i don't think he uses Linux, more tech-savvy into the hardware than software. lol sorry if i got off topic and my english is always a little screw :oops:


#35 2010-07-30 21:08:02

Registered: 2010-07-02
Posts: 75

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Yes, and they don't find it hard.


#36 2010-07-30 21:40:21

Registered: 2009-02-03
Posts: 1,098

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My father uses Arch but he doesn't care because all he does is surfing the web, burning CDs etc.

First I had xubuntu but it was slow as hell on this PC (P4 1,6 ghz, 512 mb ram). So I put Arch on it and it was very usable. smile

฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz


#37 2010-07-30 22:02:21

Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 1,239

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

  if not computer.working:
    print "%s: You broke it." %
    print "%s: I haven't touched it" %s
    print "%s: You must have broken something while you were fixing it." %s
    computer.working = me.fix(computer)
  computer.working = False

They are not getting Linux (I don't want the liability).

Steven [ web : git ]
GPG:  327B 20CE 21EA 68CF A7748675 7C92 3221 5899 410C


#38 2010-07-30 22:08:16

Registered: 2008-08-20
Posts: 1,011

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My mother runs Arch and my grandmother runs Ubuntu.


#39 2010-07-30 22:10:21

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

No bumping of 5-year old threads, closed.

Edit: Reopend by popular demand

Last edited by litemotiv (2010-08-01 15:41:05)

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#40 2010-08-01 20:39:01

Registered: 2010-03-12
Posts: 26

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

been thinking of installing linux on my dads computer. He is always complaining that the machine is slow, pluss it sometimes just stops booting.

I might set up a dual boot sometime for him to try it out and see how it goes. only uses it for browsing, paying bills and a few times msn, so the only problem is that the java program the bank uses freezes the browser for a good minute or two when logging in sad

"As a former philosophy major, it disturbs me to think that things disappear when no one is looking at them, but that's exactly what happens in Python" - Mark Pilgrim


#41 2010-08-01 23:44:36

From: sonoran desert
Registered: 2009-01-12
Posts: 192

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Both my parents are dead, so, yes, presumably they are using Linux (probably Arch, at that). roll


#42 2010-08-02 01:35:52

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 731

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

I believe my mom uses Linux at work, but not at home. She did use it at home at one point, which is when she introduced it to me. She also tried to get me to use cli, particularly csh, ksh, and vim, but I wasn't interested in it at the time. All I wanted was gui. I guess I wasn't ready back then, but I'm all for cli now! Haven't tried csh or ksh though.

My dad has no interest in it at all. He always question why I use it. I should be just like everyone else and use Windows, because everyone else uses it.


#43 2010-08-02 03:28:21

Forum Fellow
From: Here
Registered: 2006-06-16
Posts: 7,942

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My mother uses Ubuntu now. I pointed her in that direction so I wouldn't have to think too much about it.

With that being said, this is a very old thread and I'm obligated to do something:


#44 2010-08-02 05:22:39

From: Australia
Registered: 2008-06-10
Posts: 2,164

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

skottish wrote:

My mother uses Ubuntu now. I pointed her in that direction so I wouldn't have to think too much about it.

With that being said, this is a very old thread and I'm obligated to do something:

Good call wink



#45 2010-08-02 05:52:42

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2010-01-23
Posts: 1,867

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My dad refuses to use anything besides Windows XP. My mom had Ubuntu on her laptop for a while but I just wiped it and installed Windows because it was just too hard to try to explain everything to her every time she needed to do something.


#46 2010-08-02 07:59:27

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2009-10-13
Posts: 64

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Yes my parents run Ubuntu. When there are problems I can ssh into the machine
or help via vinagre (remote desktop).


#47 2010-08-02 09:08:29

From: Somewhere but Not Here
Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 95

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Yes, my father uses Arch Linux exclusively. He uses Firefox,; he can open his files from usb sticks and he can print documents. This about covers all he does on a computer.

After getting used to a system, there is no actual difference between operating systems, to my experience.


#48 2010-08-02 11:22:47

Arch Linux f@h Team Member
Registered: 2008-07-04
Posts: 532

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

My parents are running a bit mixed between Arch Linux and Windows Vista. They bought two new computers (laptops) that came with Windows Vista that they refuse to swap out for a decent OS since they are dead set on thinking that it will void warranty even though I've told them otherwise multiple times. They also have the desktop that I built running Arch Linux which is older now but still runs far better and doesn't have random network outages for no good reason.

I am still relatively sure my mother doesn't get that the Desktop runs a different OS than the other machines since it has the same programs. Firefox is the operating system you know. I guess I should just re-install her laptop with Arch and see if she notices any difference.

Last edited by Zeist (2010-08-02 11:24:30)

I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.


#49 2010-08-02 11:37:30

Registered: 2009-10-31
Posts: 732

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

Wow, no one has a parent that knows what Linux is, prefers using it and understands the ideology behind it? Very interesting!

Well, my father uses Linux exclusively. He's not a sysadmin or something (he's a doctor) but he still loves Linux. Actually, he's the one who introduced me to Linux back when I was in high school. Several years later, I'm now much more proficient in Linux than him, but he never stopped encouraging me. Note that the Linux experience wasn't the same 20 years ago, but he never left. Something to be proud of, I guess.

It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)

My AUR packages


#50 2010-08-02 12:04:47

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2006-11-26
Posts: 5,819

Re: Do your parents use Linux?

You usually need to be rather smart and interested to switch to a non-mainstream OS. I think most of our parents here are the former, but certainly not the latter. I know my mom doesn't care. The only thing she cares about is 'that it works' (and that she doesn't have to pay for it - when I told her she could have Windows if she paid for a valid license, then she picked Linux).

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