You are not logged in.
Is that irssi? Mind sharing your theme?
I love that ^
Looks very nice. I looked at your github but was unable to see any history for your .ncmpvpp/config - can you post the one you had in your image here (I like those colors):
Clean: … thumb2.png
Last edited by graysky (2010-12-23 18:48:23)
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Is that irssi? Mind sharing your theme?
Yep, Irssi.The theme is h3rbz and was provided by m0ar: … 82#p857982
Looks very nice. I looked at your github but was unable to see any history for your .ncmpvpp/config - can you post the one you had in your image here (I like those colors):
ncmpcpp: … cpp/config
Colors: … olours/sad
In that screenshot I was using fake transparency in urxvt, so you should disable the "background" in the colors scheme.
And... I'm using the "classic list format" in ncmpcpp, not the "columns list format" (press "p" to change the playlist mode).
milso wrote:I can't figure out why I love that setup so much. What window manager are you using?
EvilWm perhaps?
It's actually dwm with the status bar turned off and using the floating layout. And tmux takes care of the rest.
(So you're sort of right, in that I might as well be using evilwm )
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
It's actually dwm with the status bar turned off and using the floating layout. And tmux takes care of the rest.
(So you're sort of right, in that I might as well be using evilwm )
ummmmm how??? could you share your configs that makes tmux act like that??
I haven't bothered to put anything special in my tmux.conf file - I just split up the pane manually, using tmux's default commands and keybindings. Control-b % to split vertically, and Control-b " to split horizontally. And then I run whatever commands I want to in each pane.
I'm sure that I could make a little script to automate that process, but I haven't bothered yet because I don't necessarily require the same programs and terminal setup every time I turn on my computer. I just use what I need when I need to, and split up the tmux pane as necessary.
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
jasonwryan wrote:Trying some new window managers...
WMFS - which is very nice.
It was time..
Yes. It was.
Just my little subtle setup...
As you can see subtle now has the ability to show icons only instead of workspace names. Not visible in shot, but also a nice feature is the ability to write sublets that expand when you hover them (the memory suble will show detailed informations on hover)
Also visible: weechat in the center and dzen presenting the status of my screenshot+upload.
Last edited by Rasi (2010-12-25 23:17:11)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Not visible in shot, but also a nice feature is the ability to write sublets that expand when you hover them
This is cool. Awesome can do it as well, it has tooltips, but nobody uses them
You need to install an RTFM interface.
last one of the year, then i think it will be time to switch it up
vimperator : firefox
weechat : gnu screen : urxvt-256
Arch x86_64 - GitHub
Nice Rasi, can you post your subtle.rb and dzen config
Nice Rasi, can you post your subtle.rb and dzen config
# Author:: Christoph Kappel <>
# Version:: $Id$
# License:: GNU GPL
# = Subtle example configuration
# This file will be installed as default and can also be used as a starter for
# an own custom configuration file. The system wide config usually resides in
# +/etc/xdg/subtle+ and the user config in +HOME/.config/subtle+, both locations
# are dependent on the locations specified by +XDG_CONFIG_DIRS+ and
# == Options
# Following options change behaviour and sizes of the window manager:
# Border size in pixel of the windows
set :border, 1
# Window move/resize steps in pixel per keypress
set :step, 5
# Window screen border snapping
set :snap, 10
# Default starting gravity for windows (0 = gravity of last client)
set :gravity, :center
# Make transient windows urgent
set :urgent, false
# Enable respecting of size hints globally
set :resize, false
# Screen size padding (left, right, top, bottom)
set :padding, [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
# Font string either take from e.g. xfontsel or use xft
set :font, "-*-*-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
set :font, "-*-profont-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#set :font, "xft:sans-8"
# Space around windows
set :gap, 0
# Separator between sublets
set :separator, "|"
# Outline border size in pixel of panel items
set :outline, 0
# == Screen
# Generally subtle comes with two panels per screen, one on the top and one at
# the bottom. Each panel can be configured with different panel items and sublets
# screen wise. Per default only the top panel on the first screen is used, it's
# up to the user to enable the bottom panel or disable either one or both.
# Empty panels are hidden.
# Following items are available:
# [*:views*] List of views with buttons
# [*:title*] Title of the current active window
# [*:tray*] Systray icons (Can be used once)
# [*:sublets*] Catch-all for installed sublets
# [*:sublet*] Name of a sublet for direct placement
# [*:spacer*] Variable spacer (free width / count of spacers)
# [*:separator*] Insert separator
# === Link
screen 1 do
# Add stipple to panels
stipple false
# Content of the top panel
top [ :views, :spacer, :title, :spacer, :membar, :jdownloader, :tray, :clock ]
#bottom [ :mpd ]
# Content of the bottom panel
# bottom [ ]
# == Colors
# Colors directly define the look of subtle, valid values are:
# [*hexadecimal*] #0000ff
# [*decimal*] (0, 0, 255)
# [*names*] blue
# Whenever there is no valid value for a color set - subtle will use a default
# one. There is only one exception to this: If no background color is given no
# color will be set. This will ensure a custom background pixmap won't be
# overwritten.
# === Link
# Foreground color of panel and separator
color :fg_panel, "#757575"
# Title Sublet
color :title_fg, "#fecf35"
color :title_bg, "#202020"
color :title_border, "#303030"
# Foreground color of view button
color :fg_views, "#757575"
# Foreground color of sublets
color :fg_sublets, "#757575"
# Foreground color of focus window titles and active views
color :fg_focus, "#fecf35"
# Foreground color of urgent window titles and views
color :fg_urgent, "#FF9800"
# Background color of panel
color :bg_panel, "#202020"
# Background color of view button
color :bg_views, "#202020"
# Colors of occupied views (views with clients)
color :occupied_fg, "#B8B8B8"
color :occupied_bg, "#202020"
color :occupied_border, "#303030"
# Background color of sublets
color :bg_sublets, "#202020"
# Background color of focus window titles and active views
color :bg_focus, "#202020"
# Background color of urgent window titles and views
color :bg_urgent, "#202020"
# Border color of focus windows
color :border_focus, "#303030"
# Border color of normal windows
color :border_normal, "#202020"
# Border color of panel items
color :border_panel, "#303030"
# Background color of root background
#color :background, "#3d3d3d"
# == Gravities
# Gravities are predefined sizes a window can be set to. There are several ways
# to set a certain gravity, most convenient is to define a gravity via a tag or
# change them during runtime via grab. Subtler and subtlext can also modify
# gravities.
# A gravity consists of four values which are a percentage value of the screen
# size. The first two values are x and y starting at the center of the screen
# and he last two values are the width and height.
# === Example
# Following defines a gravity for a window with 100% width and height:
# gravity :example, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ]
# === Link
# Top left
gravity :top_left, [ 0, 0, 50, 50 ]
gravity :top_left66, [ 0, 0, 50, 66 ]
gravity :top_left33, [ 0, 0, 50, 34 ]
# Top
gravity :top, [ 0, 0, 100, 50 ]
gravity :top66, [ 0, 0, 100, 66 ]
gravity :top33, [ 0, 0, 100, 34 ]
# Top right
gravity :top_right, [ 100, 0, 50, 50 ]
gravity :top_right66, [ 100, 0, 50, 66 ]
gravity :top_right33, [ 100, 0, 50, 34 ]
# Left
gravity :left, [ 0, 0, 50, 100 ]
gravity :left66, [ 0, 50, 50, 34 ]
gravity :left33, [ 0, 50, 25, 34 ]
# Center
gravity :center, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ]
gravity :center66, [ 0, 50, 100, 34 ]
gravity :center33, [ 50, 50, 97, 97 ]
# Right
gravity :right, [ 100, 0, 50, 100 ]
gravity :right66, [ 100, 50, 50, 34 ]
gravity :right33, [ 100, 50, 25, 34 ]
# Bottom left
gravity :bottom_left, [ 0, 100, 50, 50 ]
gravity :bottom_left66, [ 0, 100, 50, 66 ]
gravity :bottom_left33, [ 0, 100, 50, 34 ]
# Bottom
gravity :bottom, [ 0, 100, 100, 50 ]
gravity :bottom66, [ 0, 100, 100, 66 ]
gravity :bottom33, [ 0, 100, 100, 34 ]
# Bottom right
gravity :bottom_right, [ 100, 100, 50, 50 ]
gravity :bottom_right66, [ 100, 100, 50, 66 ]
gravity :bottom_right33, [ 100, 100, 50, 34 ]
# Gimp
gravity :gimp_image, [ 50, 50, 80, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_toolbox, [ 0, 0, 10, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_dock, [ 100, 0, 10, 100 ]
# == Grabs
# Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be
# assigned either to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab
# consists of a chain and an action.
# === Finding keys
# The best resource for getting the correct key names is
# */usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h*, but to make life easier here are some hints
# about it:
# * Numbers and letters keep their names, so *a* is *a* and *0* is *0*
# * Keypad keys need *KP_* as prefix, so *KP_1* is *1* on the keypad
# * Strip the *XK_* from the key names if looked up in
# /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
# * Keys usually have meaningful english names
# * Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M),
# Shift (S), Super (W))
# === Chaining
# Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one key and can be used in
# various ways to trigger an action. In subtle there are two ways to define
# chains for grabs:
# 1. Default way*: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab
# *Example*: grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
# 2. *Escape way*: Define an escape grab that needs to be pressed before
# *any* other grab can be used like in screen/tmux.
# *Example*: grab "C-y", :SubtleEscape
# grab "Return", "urxvt"
# ==== Mouse buttons
# [*B1*] = Button1 (Left mouse button)
# [*B2*] = Button2 (Middle mouse button)
# [*B3*] = Button3 (Right mouse button)
# [*B4*] = Button4 (Mouse wheel up)
# [*B5*] = Button5 (Mouse wheel down)
# ==== Modifiers
# [*A*] = Alt key
# [*C*] = Control key
# [*M*] = Meta key
# [*S*] = Shift key
# [*W*] = Super (Windows) key
# === Action
# An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one
# of the following:
# [*symbol*] Run a subtle action
# [*string*] Start a certain program
# [*array*] Cycle through gravities
# [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc
# === Example
# This will create a grab that starts a urxvt when Alt+Enter are pressed:
# grab "A-Return", "urxvt"
# === Link
# Escape grab
# grab "C-y", :SubtleEscape
# Jump to view1, view2, ...
grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
grab "W-S-2", :ViewJump2
grab "W-S-3", :ViewJump3
grab "W-S-4", :ViewJump4
grab "W-S-5", :ViewJump5
grab "W-S-6", :ViewJump6
grab "W-S-7", :ViewJump7
grab "W-S-8", :ViewJump8
# Switch current view
grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch1
grab "W-2", :ViewSwitch2
grab "W-3", :ViewSwitch3
grab "W-4", :ViewSwitch4
grab "W-5", :ViewSwitch5
grab "W-6", :ViewSwitch6
grab "W-7", :ViewSwitch7
grab "W-8", :ViewSwitch8
# Select next and prev view */
#grab "KP_Add", :ViewNext
#grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev
# Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ...
grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
grab "W-A-2", :ScreenJump2
grab "W-A-3", :ScreenJump3
grab "W-A-4", :ScreenJump4
# Force reload of config and sublets
grab "W-C-r", :SubtleReload
# Force restart of subtle
grab "W-C-S-r", :SubtleRestart
# Quit subtle
grab "W-C-q", :SubtleQuit
# Move current window
grab "W-B1", :WindowMove
# Resize current window
grab "W-B3", :WindowResize
# Toggle floating mode of window
grab "W-f", :WindowFloat
# Toggle fullscreen mode of window
grab "W-space", :WindowFull
# Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views)
grab "W-s", :WindowStick
# Raise window
grab "W-r", :WindowRaise
# Lower window
grab "W-l", :WindowLower
# Select next windows
grab "W-Left", :WindowLeft
grab "W-Down", :WindowDown
grab "W-Up", :WindowUp
grab "W-Right", :WindowRight
# Kill current window
grab "W-S-k", :WindowKill
# Cycle between given gravities
grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ]
grab "W-KP_8", [ :top, :top66, :top33 ]
grab "W-KP_9", [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ]
grab "W-KP_4", [ :left, :left66, :left33 ]
grab "W-KP_5", [ :center, :center66, :center33 ]
grab "W-KP_6", [ :right, :right66, :right33 ]
grab "W-KP_1", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ]
grab "W-KP_2", [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ]
grab "W-KP_3", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]
# Exec programs
grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
grab "W-p", "/usr/bin/dmenu_run -b -fn '-*-profont-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -nf '#999' -nb '#000' -sf '#eee' -sb '#0077bb' -p 'run:'"
grab "W-S-n", "urxvtc -name ncmpc -e ncmpcpp"
grab "W-S-r", "urxvtc -name ranger -e ranger"
grab "W-S-l", "xlock"
grab "W-S-s", "urxvtc -name ssh -e /home/carnager/bin/ssh"
grab "W-S-F12", "/home/carnager/bin/mpdscrobble"
grab "W-S-F11", "/home/carnager/bin/love"
grab "W-Insert", "/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/bin/dmenuclip"
grab "W-C-Insert", "/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/bin/dmenurl"
grab "Print", "/home/carnager/bin/"
grab "W-F1", "/home/carnager/bin/"
grab "W-F2", "/home/carnager/bin/"
grab "W-S-m", "urxvtc -name newsbeuter -e newsbeuter"
grab "XF86Mail", "urxvtc -name newsbeuter -e mutt"
grab "XF86HomePage", "firefox-beta-bin"
grab "XF86AudioPlay", "mpc toggle"
grab "XF86AudioStop", "mpc stop"
grab "XF86AudioNext", "mpc next"
grab "XF86AudioPrev", "mpc prev"
grab "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", "mpc volume +1"
grab "XF86AudioLowerVolume", "mpc volume -1"
grab "XF86Back", "mpc seek -5"
grab "XF86Forward", "mpc seek +5"
grab "XF86Reload", "/home/carnager/bin/mpdscrobble"
grab "Cancel", "/home/carnager/bin/love"
grab "XF86Tools", "urxvtc -name ncmpc -e ncmpcpp"
# Run Ruby lambdas
grab "S-F2" do |c|
grab "S-F3" do
puts Subtlext::VERSION
# == Tags
# Tags are generally used in subtle for placement of windows. This placement is
# strict, that means that - aside from other tiling window managers - windows
# must have a matching tag to be on a certain view. This also includes that
# windows that are started on a certain view will not automatically be placed
# there.
# There are to ways to define a tag:
# [*string*] With a WM_CLASS/WM_NAME
# [*hash*] With a hash of properties
# === Default
# Whenever a window has no tag it will get the default tag and be placed on the
# default view. The default view can either be set by the user with adding the
# default tag to a view by choice or otherwise the first defined view will be
# chosen automatically.
# === Properties
# Additionally tags can do a lot more then just control the placement - they
# also have properties than can define and control some aspects of a window
# like the default gravity or the default screen per view.
# [*float*] This property either sets the tagged client floating or prevents
# it from being floating depending on the value.
# Example: float true
# [*full*] This property either sets the tagged client to fullscreen or
# prevents it from being set to fullscreen depending on the value.
# Example: full true
# [*gravity*] This property sets a certain to gravity to the tagged client,
# but only on views that have this tag too.
# Example: gravity :center
# [*match*] This property adds matching patterns to a tag, a tag can have
# more than one. Matching works either via plaintext, regex
# (see man regex(7)) or window id. Per default tags will only
# match the WM_NAME and the WM_CLASS portion of a client, this
# can be changed with following possible values:
# [*:name*] Match the WM_NAME
# [*:instance*] Match the first (instance) part from WM_CLASS
# [*:class*] Match the second (class) part from WM_CLASS
# [*:role*] Match the window role
# Example: match :instance => "urxvt"
# match [:role, :class] => "test"
# match "[xa]+term"
# [*exclude*] This property works exactly the same way as *match*, but it
# excludes clients that match from this tag. That can be helpful
# with catch-all tags e.g. for console apps.
# Example: exclude :instance => "irssi"
# [*resize*] This property either enables or disables honoring of client
# resize hints and is independent of the global option.
# Example: resize true
# [*size*] This property sets a certain to size as well as floating to the
# tagged client, but only on views that have this tag too. It
# expects an array with x, y, width and height values.
# Example: size [100, 100, 50, 50]
# [*stick*] This property either sets the tagged client to stick or prevents
# it from being set to stick depending on the value. Stick clients
# are visible on every view.
# Example: stick true
# [*type*] This property sets the [[Tagging|tagged]] client to be treated
# as a specific window type though as the window sets the type
# itself. Following types are possible:
# [*:desktop*] Treat as desktop window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP)
# [*:dock*] Treat as dock window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)
# [*:toolbar*] Treat as toolbar windows (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR)
# [*:splash*] Treat as splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH)
# [*:dialog*] Treat as dialog window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG)
# Example: type :desktop
# [*urgent*] This property either sets the tagged client to be urgent or
# prevents it from being urgent depending on the value. Urgent
# clients will get keyboard and mouse focus automatically.
# Example: urgent true
# === Link
# Simple tags
tag "terms", do; match "xterm|[u]?rxvt"; exclude "ncmpc|ssh|newsbeuter"; end
tag "browser", "uzbl|opera|firefox|navigator|chromium|Browser|Minefield|Navigator|<unknown>|gnome-mplayer|Exe|jumanji"
tag "media1" do
match :instance => "ncmpc";
gravity :center33
tag "media2" do
match "rrip_gui";
match :name => "MusicBrainz*";
tag "mail" do
match "Mail|Lanikai"
match :instance => "newsbeuter";
gravity :center33
tag "mail2" do
match "Mail|Lanikai"
tag "chat" do
match :instance => "ssh";
gravity :center33
tag "ranger" do
match :instance => "ranger"
gravity :center33
tag "DL", "jd.Main|transmission-qt"
# Placement
tag "editor" do
match "[g]?vim"
resize true
tag "fixed" do
geometry [ 10, 10, 100, 100 ]
stick true
tag "resize" do
match "sakura|gvim"
resize true
tag "gravity" do
gravity :center
# Modes
tag "stick" do
match "mplayer|feh"
float true
stick true
urgent true
tag "float" do
match "display"
float true
# Gimp
tag "gimp_image" do
match :role => "gimp-image-window"
gravity :gimp_image
tag "gimp_toolbox" do
match :role => "gimp-toolbox$"
gravity :gimp_toolbox
tag "gimp_dock" do
match :role => "gimp-dock"
gravity :gimp_dock
tag "gfx" do
match "gthumb|Gthumb|Shotwell|shotwell|digikam|Digikam"
tag "wine" do
match "Wine"
gravity :center
float true
tag "gimp_splash" do
match "Gimp"
# == Views
# Views are the virtual desktops in subtle, they show all windows that share a
# tag with them. Windows that have no tag will be visible on the default view
# which is the view with the default tag or the first defined view when this
# tag isn't set.
view "terms" do
match "terms|ranger"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/arch.xbm"
icon_only true
view "www" do
match "browser"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/fox.xbm"
icon_only true
view "chat" do
match "chat"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/dish.xbm"
icon_only true
view "media" do
match "media1|media2"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/note.xbm"
icon_only true
view "dl" do
match "DL"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/net_down_02.xbm"
icon_only true
view "gfx" do
match "gimp_.*|gfx"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/fs_01.xbm"
icon_only true
view "mail" do
match "mail|mail2"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/mail.xbm"
icon_only true
view "notag" do
match "default"
icon "/home/carnager/.icons/xbm/empty.xbm"
icon_only true
# == Sublets
# Sublets are Ruby scripts that provide data for the panel and can be managed
# with the sur script that comes with subtle. Configuration of sublets can
# either be done inside of the sublet or when supported in the config.
# === Example
# sublet :clock do
# interval 30
# format_string "%H:%M:%S"
# end
# == Hooks
# And finally hooks are a way to bind Ruby scripts to a certain event.
# Following hooks exist so far:
# [*:client_create*] Called whenever a window is created
# [*:client_configure*] Called whenever a window is configured
# [*:client_focus*] Called whenever a window gets focus
# [*:client_kill*] Called whenever a window is killed
# [*:tag_create*] Called whenever a tag is created
# [*:tag_kill*] Called whenever a tag is killed
# [*:view_create*] Called whenever a view is created
# [*:view_configure*] Called whenever a view is configured
# [*:view_jump*] Called whenever the view is switched
# [*:view_kill*] Called whenever a view is killed
# [*:tile*] Called on whenever tiling would be needed
# [*:reload*] Called on reload
# [*:start*] Called on start
# [*:exit*] Called on exit
# === Example
# This hook will print the name of the window that gets the focus:
# on :client_focus do |c|
# puts
# end
# === Link
on :start do
# Create missing tags
views = { |v| }
tags = { |t| }
views.each do |v|
t =
# Add nine C-< number> grabs
(1..9).each do |i|
grab "C-%d" % [ i ] do |c|
views = Subtlext::View.all
names = { |v| }
# Sanity check
if(i <= views.size)
# Tag client
tags = c.tags.reject { |t| names.include?( or "default" == }
tags << names[i - 1]
c.tags = tags
# Tag view
views[i - 1].tag(names[i - 1])
grab "A-Tab" do |c|
sel = 0
clients = Subtlext::Client.visible
clients.each_index do |idx|
if(clients[idx].id ==
sel = idx + 1 if(idx < clients.size - 1)
as for dzen2: its just a dmenu script that echoes something afterwards. anyway - here the scripts:
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Hhahahahh, awesome!!!
Trying some new window managers...
WMFS - which is very nice.
How do you do the scratchpad?
Mostly stolen...
The wallpaper's a win, though
Would you mind sharing your Xdefaults colors?
k3ttc4r wrote:Mostly stolen...
The wallpaper's a win, though
Would you mind sharing your Xdefaults colors?
Sure thing.
vv check github
jasonwryan wrote:Trying some new window managers...
WMFS - which is very nice.
How do you do the scratchpad?
It's a hack.
[key] mod = {"Control", "Alt"} key = "p" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvtc -name scratchpad -geometry 64x10+480+34" [/key]
[rule] instance = "scratchpad" name= "scratchpad" free = "true" [/rule]
Nothing fancy, just gnome and a bit of compiz. I like the functionallity of DockbarX.
(I should use a bigger res desktop background, but I like that one too much)