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Hello Everyone!
Not an Arch user yet. Trying to figure out if Arch is right for me.
Hi all,
I'm a longtime linux user; I started off with Red Hat 7 way back in 7th grade, used it up until college in 2006, at which point I started using Xubuntu. I migrated to CrunchBang a couple years ago, and still use it now as my main, but now one of my desktops has Arch on it. I really like that the base install is truly "base" and comes with almost nothing, and it's up to the user to tweak and prepare the system. It gives me a much better idea of what I'm installing and how it effects everything else. I also like the rolling release a little better than the Debian model. So we'll see where this goes!
Hello everyone!!
I'm 14 and taking my first steps into linux, the reviews i read said that Arch was not for beginners but hey what's the point if there's no challenge? Anyways the wiki was very clear and some stuff worked straight out of the box so to speak (The WLAN card that downright refused to work on windoze)
Glad to see that i can still program for windoze from Arch, it took a real weight from my mind when i read up on mingw32.
Thanks for the great OS,
Hi everybody.
I decided try Arch Linux.
Main reason is the rolling software update instead of full system upgrade.
Hey everyone.
I've been trying to drop the Win doze fever for quite sometime, and my friends haven't exactly been helpful -_-. Somehow I've managed to get around the harder parts, I do a bit of scripting and I've built more than a few packages from source (Dolphin-Emu was annoying, anyone gonna tell the maintainer in the aur that scons is broken?). Anyway, nice to meet you all. I might upload a few packages with patches and such, can't really code but I've been looking into it. Cheers to this awesome distro!
Hello everyone,
I first tried Fedora Core 1 many years ago but due to the lack of a high speed internet connection decided to go back to my win 98 install. Then around 07 I made the switch to Gutsy. I fell in love with the freedom that GNU/Linux gave me. I have used Arch before in a virtual machine but was a little intimidated by all of the manual setup at first. Now I am attempting a full blown Arch install, with a Ubuntu backup just in case.
Laptop: MSI A6200-461us Core i3-370M, 4GB of Ram, 640GB HD, OS = Arch with more to come...
PC: Athlon XP 1700, 1.8 GB of Ram, Dual HD's 80 + 500 GB, OS = Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Hello everyone!
Well, I'm installing full blown Arch back onto the ole work machine today (E6400 laptop). It started to get to be a pain running Linux at work because of this stupid "Windows" program I had to maintain but now we have a Floater windows machine that I can do it on. Plus, I've been working on a custom Linux OS and it's just a PAIN IN THE *** to dd disk drives and do all the low level stuff. Plus, Windows 7 is yawnage...while it works pretty good, who wants a boring OS right?
Arch, I miss you and I am installing you again.
--edit: merged with Hello thread
Last edited by litemotiv (2010-12-14 14:53:16)
My Linux & Progamming Blog - Jimmy Burnett
Hi. I used XP for years and years when I got my eye on Linux. I was getting fed up with my windows box so I started looking into the best distributions. A couple caught my eye, but the only ones I really tried were Arch and Ubuntu. At first when I saw the live environment I had no idea what I was doing so I went back to ubuntu, which "just worked". (except for my @$%#ing wireless card! That literally took a week of fidgeting.) After a few months when I learned the ways of the command line, Arch started looking more attractive. Ubuntu was starting to get on my nerves, with the little things, so I installed arch. After swapping for a friendlier wireless card I've been living happily ever after, for about 2 months now. Arch rocks.
Been using Arch for a few days on my laptop and it's gonna stay... I love it.
Kudos on the documentation!!!
Meow. I'm using Arch for quite a while now. (Like 5 moons, I think.)
But last week I finally put up my server, so I can stream my music everywhere now (I get only one connection with minimal quality, cus the box is pretty slow.) (And I wanted to put up a diaspora pod. :| ) I came up with this idea earlier this year, but 3U just refused to do my bidding, so I canceled it. (I don't know, what I tried, anymore, but I didn't even got a Lan connection.)
But now, everything is better: It works, It works and It works. And when it's broken, I just fix it. It feels so good, to have a system, that does, what You want/do it to do.
AND I LOVE ARCH! (See my avatar? I'll put it on my Desktop too. (: )
Oh yes, before I forget about it:
I LOVE THAT LITTLE MOUSE, that makes my Desktop easy to manage and pretty! (I made all the deko myself. Soon to see in screenshots.)
For all, who work for this awesome Distribution: Thank You Gals and Guys!! I love You!
So let me tell You about my misadventures with Gnu/Linux: Like 3 Years ago, the penguin chirped, when my M$5.? system got all hacked up (I think.). So I booted it one last time (I thought. (In fact, I kept it around ~1 year for compatibilty with games.)) and went straight up to the green lizard...
After one month bugging other people around the webs with the common newbspeak, I finally had a running Xubuntu. Then, some months later, I searched for KISSes (My boxes have always been bins of scrap.). I found DSL, but after a week trying to install the nvidia drivers, I gave up and went back to X3U.
Then (earlier this year) I came up with the idea of my own server and after it totally failed with 3U, I wanted to level up. First with Slackware -Failed, LFS -Failed ;D. I gave up.
Then someone told me about Archlinux. Certainly, I first installed it on my server, to try it out, it worked! Then my desktop (I bought a new one 2 years ago.) and Yay! it worked!
And I'm so glad. It's weight is my decision. I had to learn the Arch, B, C tho, but I'm a swift learner and it's really easy to learn. :) And I so much love, that I don't have to build everything myself anymore.
Right now, Arch is running an Eee 7xx, my desktop ((It was really cheap.) But I have two screens. :D (And everything is monochrome pink&purple.)) and my Server. Next in line is my oldtimer, with a Pentium1! (The normal kernel of arch doesn't support it, so happy happy pottering. :) )
Regarding M$: Just 2 days ago, I deconstructed on of those newer Xboxes (It was broken anyway.) and I have to say, I will never ever do IT again. This ?box of crap seems to be build, to eventually break and been irreparable thrown away!
IT? I will never work for this company again! And with this I mean fixing a system, they broke...
TEH <3<3<3 2 U @ll! (Hello everyone.)
P.S. The hull of the ?box is now the bin for my broken computer parts. It's ugly, but it works. ;)
P.P.S. And I totally can't remember, how it was, using 3U. Hey I'm just a @cat ! (In germany "mieze" is a common cat's nick name.)
I will say hello here since it is a HELLO PAGE.
Not very bad I feel when I first install and use ArchLinux. I was bored with my previous OS - KUBUNTU. ArchLinux is now my only OS and it is good.
Hello everyone, I recently decided to take the plunge into Arch after graduating. So right now I am running Arch on my main desktop and loving it. I'm starting to set up my development environment and will keep an eye out on the wiki and these forums in case I run into any kinks.
I've used linux for several years and have been using it exclusively at home for about 3 years. I started with suse personal edition 9.0 (purchased at Borders) and made my way through zenwalk, mint, and antix (and many, many more). I've used antix the longest. It's near and dear to my heart since I learned to write some simple scripts with antix.
A few months ago my power supply was dying as well as a dvd drive. So I bought an e-machines computer (very low end). I was a bit timid about installing arch since I was never that successful in previous attempts (well just 2). However, this time I got a lot of help from:
1. The wikis
2. The following books: ArchLinux Handbook, The Linux Cookbook, and Running Linux
3. Google
4. (this was the key difference in setting things up correctly)
5. Poking around various live cds
6. The forums
I chose arch since I like the rolling release model and that I can customize it exactly the way I want it to work. Now my system, based on rox and icewm, is nearly complete. I'm having fun.
So , what to say?
I love thrash/death metal,studend(industrial robotics) and i`m using linug since highschool , last 7 years debian and still have sid on my desktop
Hello, I am new to Arch Linux. I have been using Linux for the last year and a bit, mainly on Ubuntu based distributions (Linux Mint and Ubuntu) and I decided to give Arch Linux a try on my test machine and liked it a lot. And I like that sense of achievement after completing the install of Arch Linux and setting it up by way (Is that just me or do others like that?). And the customization of Linux was one of my main reasons of using Linux instead of Windows and Arch Linux takes that one more step.
Anyway, I am the newbie to Arch Linux but I have a decent knowledge of Linux and computers in general. I am studying IT at BND level at college too.
I will be installing Arch Linux alongside Ubuntu on my main laptop as well.
Last edited by Crazyiom (2010-12-23 22:11:10)
Hi everyone. I have been using Arch Linux for about a month now and I am loving it so far. Prior to arch I was running debian (testing) on my laptop for just over 2 years. I see myself staying with Arch for the foreseeable future.
I still use debian (lenny) on my virtual servers, and don't see that changing anytime soon!
Well, hello! I'm an arch newbie (installed yesterday's night. Yes, the night when I was supossed to celebrate christmas, but, oh well, here I am). Anyway, I got my sistem ready just today around 4AM (after a 4 hours installation - my download speed is pretty low and I used netinstall)
Arch seems a great choice for my! I've been using ubuntu since I am 13 years old, and I've looking for something new for quite a time now, maybe one year. After trying Debian, OpenSUSE and Mandriva (none of which I liked) I got to Arch, and so far, I'm loving it.
I love pacman and the AUR, which makes installing things pretty simple (yet keeping me informed and in control of what I'm doing). I'm just having some trouble findign updated mirrors, but I guess I will work that out any time.
Thanks for the future help you might give me, and sorry for any mistakes in the text. I'm not a native English speaker (I'm from Argentina, greetings )
Well, hello!
I'm from Bulgaria and I'm professional developer, mostly database development with Oracle and PostgreSQL. I'm interested also in C/C++/Qt, Python, Java, Ruby, Javascript, C#. I spend my free time with movies/TV, music or chating with friends and drinking beer. I use Arch on one of my personal laptops fora week and everything work perfect.
PS:Merry Christmas
newbie archer +1
To everyone that made Arch Linux possible, thank you !
Don't know why I haven't switched sooner. Goodbye Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuse and all the others I've tried. This just works. The documentation is top notch, and it's fast!
Christmas came late for me, but I don't mind:)
--mod edit: merged with Hello Everyone thread
Last edited by litemotiv (2010-12-29 15:40:25)
Hello everybody !
I'm not so new to GNU/Linux (I'm using it since 3 years, so it's approximatly during high school), but I love it. For Archlinux, my friend shared his discovery of Archlinux about 6 months ago and convinced to use it (I was a little lazy ). I completly love it : the philosophy, the documentation, always up-to-date, fast and efficient, etc. I was happy to trash Ubuntu from my desktop, because I was tired of auto config and it was becoming bloated on my computer. Now studying in my domain (computer science, yay !), I try learn everything I can in the domain (but I try to keep a social to not be a hermit...sometimes it's hard with my passion ). It's here that I discover my love for the command line <3, programming and networking. A lot of people think I play games on my computer, but I prefer to program and play with wires.
During holidays, I got a lot of projects with Archlinux : install it on three computers (one old computer that will become my server [no comment on that, I know what I'm doing], my desktop [I had to wait the end of my semester...didn't want to lose data if anything went wrong] and another old computer [with a Pentium II XD ] that will become a firewall), reinstall it on my laptop (the hard disk crashed -_-' ), etc.
I love GNU/Linux, but I'm not a Windows hater (an Apple hater...hell yeah !).
I'm from Québec, love open source and Richard Stallman is my hero (want a proof ? I've made a picture of him with katanas).
I have to go now, I firstly here to solve my problem. After, I'll try to participate in the Arch Linux Community !
Hi. I am studying computer science and therefore had to deal with unix several times and used ubuntu from time to time.
I stumbled upon arch in some blog and find it quite interesting.
I already installed it and solved the first problems.
Currently I can't really use it, because I still have a problem, but I plan to do so.
During the installation I already enhanced my unix knowledge due to the beginners guide.
Hello everybody.
I'm a Linux user from december 2008, more or less. But I use Linux 100% from three weeks ago.
I'm using Linux Mint 10 in a USB hard drive, and I've Windows Vista in the main hard drive. And I want to install Arch Linux in another USB hard drive
I like Linux, and I like free software.
Well, I think that it's all. I'll post my doubts in the forum, and I'll try to help other people.
I first started using Linux about 9 months ago, when I installed Ubuntu on an old laptop. I started experimenting with Linux after getting tired of Windows computers slowing down and the constant security threats that they posed.
From there, I cut my teeth on Ubuntu, and hopped around to PCLinuxOS, Mepis, OpenSuSe, Mint, Peppermint, Dreamlinux, Fedora, etc. For the past 3 months I've been using Debian Sid and Linux Mint Debian Edition, both of which I like and still use.
I've read a lot about Arch and have been interested in it, but I always viewed it as too expert for me. With some time off, I said "what the hell," and I tried my hand at Arch.
The installation process definitely was a lot more challenging that installing Ubuntu or Debian. However, the wiki guided me through. I learned a lot from reading the wiki, and it truly is one hell of a resource.
It took awhile to get Xfce and Compiz to play together and then figure how to install Packer. Wireless setup and getting GDM to allow for autologin also took some time.
With those challenges behind me, I've been having a blast. Pacman is an impressive, fast package manager. While I've always liked Synaptic, Pacman is filling in well. The thing that has me blown away is the AUR repository. It's like having 10s or 100s of Ubuntu ppas or having an uber Debian experimental repository. So far, I've been able to install a bunch of programs that you'd can't run on Debian (or would need to do a lot of compiling).
I look forward to learning about Arch.