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I'm trying to make my CPU fan not going at max speed after suspend, and for that I'm following this wiki:
Anyways, when I got to the spep "pwmconfig" it says that there are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed.
Here is the output of sensors-detect:
Are you using a laptop? If so, the culprit may be a buggy DSDT; check the DSDT entry in the wiki and search google for info on iasl. If not using a laptop, then disregard.
No, I'm on a desktop-pc.
Ok, I added it to /boot/grub/menu.lst, but I'm not at home atm, so I'll have to wait till I'm there.
Will I have to add that line again after every kernel update?
You shouldn't have to, If you're running GRUB 1 and just getting the official kernel26 updates.
Yes, I'm on GRUB1 + vainilla updates, but what about when GRUB2 is set by default on arch, just like happened recently with python2 => python3 ?
Well, I think GRUB2 has been considered to be in the testing stages for quite some time, and still isn't the standard for most distros (Ubuntu and Fedora are exceptions to the norm). Once that change happens--or if you're planning on using GRUB2 in the near future--just add that same string to your kernel line in /etc/default/grub. Then run
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
after each update. I just use an alias: grubup.
I finally got home and I restarted my pc, but the results is the same.
Any other suggestions?
Pages: 1