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Hello everyone!
So, I recently installed Arch on my HP Mini 110-3135DX netbook and have been able to solve all of my little problems through reading the excellent Wiki or extensive forum/google browsing, except one.
It seems that my LXDE/Openbox X environment doesn't want to have my media keys work to adjust sound. The Rew/Pause/Stop/FF keys all work fine with my media player, but the volume up/down/mute keys refuse to do so for anything. I've tried every fix I could find--esekeyd had no effect, my keymaps in the *rc.xml files aren't getting anywhere...
See, I think I know the problem--showkey is giving me this output, in order of down/up/mute:
keycode 114 press
keycode 114 release
keycode 115 press
keycode 115 release
keycode 113 press
keycode 113 release
but the output of "xev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '^KeyRelease' | sed -n '/keycode /s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p'" is:
122 XF86AudioLowerVolume
123 XF86AudioRaiseVolume
121 XF86AudioMute
To me, I interpret that as meaning that, regardless of the keycode, X is still picking it up as the right functions.
I should also add that .Xmodmap is set to:
keycode 113 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 115 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 114 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
(I tried with the 122/123/121 as well, just switched and no change)
my lxde-rc.xml and rc.xml have matching keyboard entries for the mapping of the functions, I've tried tying amixer commands to the keypresses (checking that the commands work in a terminal before I put them in) and using a separate script with no go.
Can anyone think of what I'm missing here?
One final, though probably unimportant, thing: I'm using the kernel-netbook from here, but that shouldn't have an effect on it.
Otherwise, I'm off to a great start. This little netbook is booting faster than my beast of a Lenovo!
Last edited by admiralspark (2011-01-10 19:29:34)
Team Ignition Kernel Developer
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*Bump* anyone?
I've double- and triple-checked every wiki article, google hit and forum post. Does anybody know of a better way to map the keys to XF86AudioRaiseVolume etc than Xmodmap?
Team Ignition Kernel Developer
linux-ideapad developer/maintainer
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Mr Green
Thanks for the reply Mr. Green, but I already have that link bookmarked
I was able to get it to work today, apparently the line I'd added in my ~/.xinitrc to sync everything with xmodmap wasn't working (as in, I wasn't running it through bash). I was able to delete it and reset the contents of my .xmodmap and got it working.
Thanks again! Marked [SOLVED]
Team Ignition Kernel Developer
linux-ideapad developer/maintainer
Flame Kernel developer for Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S3
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