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OSS build environment set up for REGPARM kernels
Warning: Cannot locate the Linux kernel development package for
Linux kernel version 2.6.37-CUSTOM
Please install the kernel development package if linking the
OSS modules fails.
The kernel development package may be called kernel-devel, kernel-smp-devel,
kernel-sources, kernel-headers or something like that. Please refer
to the documentation of your Linux distribution if there are any
difficulties in installing the kernel/driver development environment.
For your Linux distribution the right kernel source package
might be kernel-source.
Building module osscore
Failed to compile OSS
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.37-CUSTOM/build M=/usr/lib/oss/build modules
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.37-CUSTOM/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [default] Error 2
Relinking the OSS kernel modules failed
kernel26-devel is installed (not the answer), I have the 2.6.37 source files at /usr/src/linux-2.6.37-CUSTOM. How to resolve and how to extract the .h files from the currently running CUSTOM kernel and where do I place them in order to build OSS?
Last edited by adamlau (2011-01-15 05:07:40)
Arch Linux + sway
Debian Testing + GNOME/sway
NetBSD 64-bit + Xfce
A total brainfart was the culprit. I compiled the kernel within /tmp as tmpfs and the headers were lost upon reboot. The thing is that I was conscious enough to rebuild nvidia before rebooting, but tried to build oss after the headers files were lost. So simple, so simple...OSS up and running again...
Last edited by adamlau (2011-01-15 05:11:41)
Arch Linux + sway
Debian Testing + GNOME/sway
NetBSD 64-bit + Xfce
Pages: 1