You are not logged in.
just wrote a little shell-skript in php.
when executed it does
- sudo pacman -Sy
- list packages
- [y/n] if yes -> sudo pacman -Su
the list packages looks like this:
cracklib(core) 2d05h 2.8.18-1 Password Checking Library
dmxproto(extra) 0d14h 2.3.1-1 X11 Distributed Multihead X ext
ension wire protocol
glibc(core) 3d14h 2.12.2-2 GNU C Library
gnupg2(extra) 2d05h 2.0.17-1 GNU Privacy Guard 2 - a PGP rep
lacement tool
upgrade? [y/N]:
I just did this because of the additional Information Age and Description.
I searched in the aur for something similar but couldnt find anything.
I was looking for displaying changelog for new packages, not for installed, but I couldnt come up with a solution,
from where the hell to get changelog infos.
So anyway heres the code, just wanted to share this.
Simply put it in a .sh file and execute like normal shell-script.
If someone knows a better script or something similar, please let me know.
$maxlinelength = 120; // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR NEEDS, its the no. of maximum chars that fits in 1 line on your console
$return_var = -1;
system('sudo pacman -Sy >/dev/stdin', $return_var);
$packages = linux('pacman --print-format \'%n\' -Sup');
if (!is_array($packages) || count($packages) < 2)
die('ERROR variable packages');
if (count($packages) == 2 && strpos($packages[1], 'there is nothing to do') !== false)
die('no updates => happy day:)'."\n");
$table = array();
$table[] = array('NAME', 'AGE', 'VERSION', 'DESCRIPTION');
$table[] = 'line';
$pacmanSi = explode("\n\n", implode("\n", linux('pacman -Si '.implode(' ', array_slice($packages,1)))));
for ($i = 1; $i < count($packages); $i++)
$info = pacman_create_info_array(explode("\n", trim($pacmanSi[$i-1])));
$row = array();
$row[] = $info['name'].'('.$info['repository'].')';
$row[] = convert_seconds_to_age(time() - @strtotime($info['build date']));
$row[] = $info['version'];
$row[] = $info['description'];
$table[] = $row;
print_shell_table($table, array('maxlinelength' => $maxlinelength));
echo "\n";
$prompt = prompt('upgrade? [y/N]: ');
if (strtolower($prompt) == 'y')
system('sudo pacman -Su >/dev/stdin', $return_var);
function linux($command)
$output = array();
$return_var = -1;
exec($command, $output, $return_var);
#print "\n".$command."\n";#
return $output;
function prompt($text)
echo $text;
$line = trim(fgets(STDIN));
return $line;
function convert_seconds_to_age($seconds)
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds = $seconds - ($days * 86400);
$hours = str_pad(strval(intval(round($seconds / 3600))),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $days.'d'.$hours.'h';
function pacman_create_info_array($info)
$arr = array();
foreach ($info as $val)
$val = trim($val);
if ($val == '') continue;
$first = strtolower(trim(substr($val,0,strpos($val,':'))));
$second = trim(substr($val,strpos($val,':') + 1));
$arr[$first] = $second;
return $arr;
function print_shell_table(&$arr, $options = array())
if (!isset($options['maxlinelength'])) $options['maxlinelength'] = 5000;
$start = 0;
while (!is_array($arr[$start])) $start++;
$max_column_lengths = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr[$start]); $i++)
$max_column_lengths[$i] = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if (is_array($arr[$i]))
for ($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]); $j++)
if (strlen($arr[$i][$j]) > $max_column_lengths[$j])
$max_column_lengths[$j] = strlen($arr[$i][$j]);
$length_longestline = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if (is_array($arr[$i]))
$length = 0;
// loop while < count - 1 (all columns except last)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]) - 1; $j++)
$arr[$i][$j] = str_pad($arr[$i][$j], $max_column_lengths[$j] + 2, ' ');
$length += strlen($arr[$i][$j]);
// last column
if ($length + strlen($arr[$i][$j]) > $options['maxlinelength'])
if ($options['maxlinelength'] - $length > 0)
$arr[$i][$j] = str_split($arr[$i][$j], $options['maxlinelength'] - $length);
$arr[$i][$j] = '';
$length_longestline = $options['maxlinelength'];
if ($length + strlen($arr[$i][$j]) > $length_longestline)
$length_longestline = $length + strlen($arr[$i][$j]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if (is_array($arr[$i]))
$offset = 0;
foreach ($arr[$i] as $val)
// last column may be an array
if (is_array($val))
echo $val[0];
for ($j = 1; $j < count($val); $j++)
echo "\n";
echo str_repeat(' ', $offset);
echo ltrim($val[$j]);
$offset += strlen($val);
echo $val;
echo "\n";
elseif ($arr[$i] == 'line') echo str_repeat('-', $length_longestline)."\n";
(echo "NAME(REPO)#BUILD DATE#VERSION#DESCRIPTION" && expac "%n(%r)#%b#%v#%d" -l'\n' -S $(pacman -Qqu)) | column -s "#" -t && sudo pacman -Su | tail -n1
EDIT: This script is broken! Yeah, I can't write a simple loop, sorry. Left it here for all to see I'm dumb.
Use this one: … 79#p880979
now=$(date "+%s")
for i in $(pacman -Qqu); do
builddate=$(expac -t %s %b -S $i)
sec=$(($now - $builddate))
age=$(($sec/ 3600 / 24))
(echo "NAME(REPO)#AGE#VERSION#DESCRIPTION" && expac "%n(%r)#$age days#%v#%d" -l'\n' -S $(pacman -Qqu)) | column - s "#" -t
#sudo pacman -Su | tail -n1
Last edited by karol (2011-01-20 14:17:58)
well, I guess you have me beat:)
But we need to install expac ;P
So let's say that php script is a replacement for it.
See, you're unpacking.
Nice work. But how about an extra column with the currently installed version? I like to read up on the major updates of packages but don't care much for the bugfix details.
cracklib(core) 2d05h 2.8.18-1 2.8.18-0 Password Checking Library
dmxproto(extra) 0d14h 2.3.1-1 2.2.1-1 X11 Distributed Multihead X ext
ension wire protocol
glibc(core) 3d14h 2.12.2-2 2.12.2-1 GNU C Library
gnupg2(extra) 2d05h 2.0.17-1 2.0.16-3 GNU Privacy Guard 2 - a PGP rep
lacement tool
upgrade? [y/N]:
If you could add that I'd be much obliged.
Err, sorry folks, but my script is wrong. Of course Allan broke it ;-)
The age is set the same for all the packages ...
Of course Allan broke it ;-)
A new and better and working and showing currently installed (local) version too!
main () {
now=$(date "+%s")
for i in $(pacman -Qqu); do
builddate=$(expac -t %s %b -S $i)
sec=$(($now - $builddate))
age=$(($sec/ 3600 / 24))
old=$(expac %v -Q $i)
expac "%n(%r)#$age days#%v#$old #%d" -l'\n' -S $i
(echo "NAME(REPO)#AGE#VERSION#INSTALLED#DESCRIPTION" && main) | column -s "#" -t
#sudo pacman -Su | tail -n1
Last edited by karol (2011-01-20 14:19:44)
heh, expac was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this too. 13k binary over installing php any day.
not sure why your script doesn't work for me, karol, but I hacked it up some more and this does work...
declare -A updates
while read -r name ver; do
done < <(pacman -Qu)
now=$(date +%s)
[[ ${updates[@]} ]] || exit 0
printf "%-20s %-5s %-30s %-s\n" "Name" "Age" "Version" "Description"
printf -- '-%.0s' {1..100}; echo
for name in "${!updates[@]}"; do
read -r builddate repo version desc < <(expac -St %s '%b %r %v %d' $name)
age=$(( (now - builddate) / 3600 / 24 ))
printf "%-20s %-5s %-30s %-s\n" "$name [$repo]" "${age}d" "$localver -> $version" "$desc"
Doesn't do folding of the description, but personally I'd just leave the description off.
I knew you'd be using arrays and 'done < <(pacman -Qu)' but
read -r builddate repo version desc < <(expac -St %s '%b %r %v %d' $name)
age=$(( (now - builddate) / 3600 / 24 ))
I didn't expect. Really nice :-)
Learned something new again.
just a little update
- sorted by age now (switch -n for sort by name)
- old and new version are displayed
- major versionupgrades are colorized red and minor are (hopefully) cyan
your shell-skripts are nice, but too slow because they call expac for every single package.
ps: Always Rolling Can Hurt
$maxlinelength = 120; // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR NEEDS, its the no. of maximum chars that fits in 1 line on your console
$return_var = -1;
system('sudo pacman -Sy >/dev/stdin', $return_var);
$packages = linux('pacman --print-format \'%n\' -Sup');
if (!is_array($packages) || count($packages) < 2)
die('ERROR variable packages');
if (count($packages) == 2 && strpos($packages[1], 'there is nothing to do') !== false)
die('no updates => happy day:)'."\n");
$table = array();
$table[] = array('NAME', 'AGE', 'VERSION', 'DESCRIPTION');
$table[] = 'line';
$pacmanSi = explode("\n\n", implode("\n", linux('pacman -Si '.implode(' ', array_slice($packages,1)))));
$pacmanQi = explode("\n\n", implode("\n", linux('pacman -Qi '.implode(' ', array_slice($packages,1)))));
$download_size = 0;
$installed_size = 0;
$tmptable = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < count($packages); $i++)
$info = pacman_create_info_array(explode("\n", trim($pacmanSi[$i-1])));
$infoQi = pacman_create_info_array(explode("\n", trim($pacmanQi[$i-1])));
$download_size += intval(intval(trim(str_replace(array('K','.'),'',$info['download size'])).'0') * 1.024);
$installed_size += intval(intval(trim(str_replace(array('K','.'),'',$info['installed size'])).'0') * 1.024);
$versioncolor = '';
$checkversion = check_which_version_upgrade($infoQi['version'],$info['version']);
$ageseconds = time() - @strtotime($info['build date']);
$row = array();
$row[] = $info['name'].'('.$info['repository'].')';
$row[] = convert_seconds_to_age($ageseconds);
if ($checkversion == 'major') $row[] = termcolored($infoQi['version'].' -> '.$info['version'], 'LIGHT_RED');
elseif ($checkversion == 'minor') $row[] = termcolored($infoQi['version'].' -> '.$info['version'], 'LIGHT_CYAN');
else $row[] = $infoQi['version'].' -> '.$info['version'];
$row[] = $info['description'];
$tmptable[$ageseconds] = $row;
if (strpos(implode(' ', array_slice($argv,1)), '-n') === false)
krsort($tmptable, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($tmptable as $val) $table[] = $val;
print_shell_table($table, array('maxlinelength' => $maxlinelength));
echo "\n";
echo 'Targets : '.intval(count($packages) - 1)."\n";
echo 'Total Download Size : '.Bytes_intToString($download_size)."\n";
echo 'Total Installed Size: '.Bytes_intToString($installed_size)."\n";
echo "\n";
$prompt = prompt('upgrade? [y/N]: ');
if (strtolower($prompt) == 'y')
system('sudo pacman -Su>/dev/stdin', $return_var);
function Bytes_intToString($bytes)
if ($bytes == 0) return '0,00 B';
$s = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');
$e = floor(log($bytes)/log(1024));
return sprintf('%.2f '.$s[$e], ($bytes/pow(1024, floor($e))));
// returns major,minor,mini
function check_which_version_upgrade($old,$new)
$old = explode('.', str_replace('-','.',$old));
$new = explode('.', str_replace('-','.',$new));
if ($old[0] != $new[0]) return 'major';
$longest = count($old);
if (count($new) > $longest) $longest = count($new);
if ($longest == 3) return 'mini';
if ($old[1] != $new[1]) return 'minor';
return 'mini';
function linux($command)
$output = array();
$return_var = -1;
exec($command, $output, $return_var);
#print "\n".$command."\n";#
return $output;
function prompt($text)
echo $text;
$line = trim(fgets(STDIN));
return $line;
function convert_seconds_to_age($seconds)
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds = $seconds - ($days * 86400);
$hours = str_pad(strval(intval(round($seconds / 3600))),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $days.'d'.$hours.'h';
function pacman_create_info_array($info)
$arr = array();
foreach ($info as $val)
$val = trim($val);
if ($val == '') continue;
$first = strtolower(trim(substr($val,0,strpos($val,':'))));
$second = trim(substr($val,strpos($val,':') + 1));
$arr[$first] = $second;
return $arr;
function termcolored($text, $color="NORMAL", $back=1){
static $_colors = array(
'LIGHT_RED' => "[1;31m",
'LIGHT_GREEN' => "[1;32m",
'YELLOW' => "[1;33m",
'LIGHT_BLUE' => "[1;34m",
'MAGENTA' => "[1;35m",
'LIGHT_CYAN' => "[1;36m",
'WHITE' => "[1;37m",
'NORMAL' => "[0m",
'BLACK' => "[0;30m",
'RED' => "[0;31m",
'GREEN' => "[0;32m",
'BROWN' => "[0;33m",
'BLUE' => "[0;34m",
'CYAN' => "[0;36m",
'BOLD' => "[1m",
'UNDERSCORE' => "[4m",
'REVERSE' => "[7m",
#foreach ($_colors as $key => $val)
# echo chr(27)."$val$key".chr(27)."[0m\n";
$out = $_colors["$color"];
if($out == ""){ $out = "[0m"; }
return chr(27)."$out$text".chr(27)."[0m";#.chr(27);
echo chr(27)."$out$text".chr(27)."[0m";#.chr(27);
}// end function
function print_shell_table(&$arr, $options = array())
if (!isset($options['maxlinelength'])) $options['maxlinelength'] = 5000;
$start = 0;
while (!is_array($arr[$start])) $start++;
$max_column_lengths = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr[$start]); $i++)
$max_column_lengths[$i] = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if (is_array($arr[$i]))
for ($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]); $j++)
if (strlen($arr[$i][$j]) > $max_column_lengths[$j])
$max_column_lengths[$j] = strlen($arr[$i][$j]);
$length_longestline = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if (is_array($arr[$i]))
$length = 0;
// loop while < count - 1 (all columns except last)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($arr[$i]) - 1; $j++)
$arr[$i][$j] = str_pad($arr[$i][$j], $max_column_lengths[$j] + 2, ' ');
$length += strlen($arr[$i][$j]);
// last column
if ($length + strlen($arr[$i][$j]) > $options['maxlinelength'])
if ($options['maxlinelength'] - $length > 0)
$arr[$i][$j] = str_split($arr[$i][$j], $options['maxlinelength'] - $length);
$arr[$i][$j] = '';
$length_longestline = $options['maxlinelength'];
if ($length + strlen($arr[$i][$j]) > $length_longestline)
$length_longestline = $length + strlen($arr[$i][$j]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if (is_array($arr[$i]))
$offset = 0;
foreach ($arr[$i] as $val)
// last column may be an array
if (is_array($val))
echo $val[0];
for ($j = 1; $j < count($val); $j++)
echo "\n";
echo str_repeat(' ', $offset);
echo ltrim($val[$j]);
$offset += strlen($val);
echo $val;
echo "\n";
elseif ($arr[$i] == 'line') echo str_repeat('-', $length_longestline)."\n";