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I've just notice this today. Using KDE, I can see the device is there but it wont do anything. I'm thinking its something with the recent cups upgrade, but I dont have the old version in my cache to test it. Has anyone else had this problem, or the old cups package?
I have HPDj845C + cups 1.1.23-3 and it works fine for me (I think, because I'm not using colour cartridge - it's empty - only black) but I'm not using KDE as DE. However Kwrite (run from xfce) prints fine too so I guess it might be some other problem related to your KDE or any of the following:
Are you using any custom udev rules for your printer ?
Is your user in group lp ?
What is the output of ls -l /dev/usb/lp0 ?
Any errors in /var/log/cups log files ?
I'm using custom /etc/udev/rules.d/00.udev.rules with this line for my printer:
BUS="usb", SYSFS{serial}="CN16J1Q3HWSX", KERNEL="lp[0-9]*", NAME="usb/%k", GROUP="users", SYMLINK="drukarka_hp_845c drukarka", OPTIONS="last_rule"
(also remember that udev permissions are now together with rules in one file). Symlinks are additional symlinks with my custom names but they are not needed. Serial is probably unique for my printer so you need to find yours in /sys.
Are you using any custom udev rules for your printer ?
Is your user in group lp ?
no, but adding it didn't help. Logging in as root doesn't do anything either
What is the output of ls -l /dev/usb/lp0
crw-rw---- 1 root root 180, 0 2005-05-16 19:05 /dev/usb/lp0
chmoding it 777 does nothing. What should it be?
Any errors in /var/log/cups log files ?
nothing informitive:
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Adding start banner page "none" to job 55.
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Adding end banner page "none" to job 55.
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Job 55 queued on 'HPDeskjet845C' by 'root'.
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 14007) for job 55.
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 14008) for job 55.
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter (PID 14009) for job 55.
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 14010) for job 55.
E [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] PID 14008 stopped with status 127!
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
E [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] [Job 55] No pages found!
E [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] PID 14009 stopped with status 1!
I [16/May/2005:19:33:00 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
how would I set the log level to debug?
I'm using custom /etc/udev/rules.d/00.udev.rules
do I really need to do that? Does your work with the defaults?
I modprobed usblp and of course....nothing.
I really doesn't seem like permisions problem (root I get nothing) maybe a symlink? /dev/usb/lp0 itself doesn't appear to be symlinked.
here's the rules:
# USB devices
KERNEL="hiddev*", NAME="usb/%k"
KERNEL="auer*", NAME="usb/%k"
KERNEL="legousbtower*", NAME="usb/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL="dabusb*", NAME="usb/%k"
BUS="usb", KERNEL="lp[0-9]*", NAME="usb/%k"
BUS="usb", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", SYMLINK="pilot"
# printer devices
SUBSYSTEM="printer", GROUP="lp"
I dont know enough about that file to change it ... if you need more let me know.
First, try setting log level to "debug":
Maybe we will get more useful info (restart with /etc/rc.d/cups restart)
One more question I forgot to ask:
do you use udev at all ? :-)
I'm asking because with standard udev rules the owner of /dev/usb/lp0
(which should be created by udev after you modprobe usblp) should be root:lp.
You have root:root. It can be related to this bug report:
but I think this is a secondary problem because you can't print as root too.
You can try creating the following /etc/udev/rules.d/00.udev.rules file and
place this line in it:
BUS="usb", KERNEL="lp[0-9]*", NAME="usb/%k", GROUP="users", SYMLINK="%k", OPTIONS="last_rule"
At least we can try to eliminate permission problems.
After reboot you should get dev/lp0 and /dev/usb/lp0 with owner root:users.
Can you print a testpage from cups admin page ? (maybe it's only about kde cups support?)
According to your log this is creating a problem:
Last thing to try would be to remove cups package (and/or package which pstoraster
belongs to) with pacman -R (or pacman -Rd) and reinstall it with normal pacman -S.
There is a (small) chance that some config was also replaced/overwritten during
one of the upgrades. In this case you should try configure cups again (wiki) from
the beginning.
First of all try setting debug level.
ok setting to debug in the conf I found the problem. It kept complaining
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster: line 58 //bin/gs: no such file or directory
so i went and edited /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster line 25 from:
....Selected 'print test page' again and low and behold the earth began to shake.
thanks for your help lanrat