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My onboard sound chip produces bad scratchy sound on my left speaker on ALSA and on PA. It's using the snd_hda_intel module. I played with the mixers and everything and it's hopeless. It didn't do this last night. This just happened after a reboot. Can anyone help me locate the problem?
Maybe it's just the speaker. Have you tried headphones/external speakers?
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
Yes. I am positively sure it's neither the speakers nor the connecting cable.
I have the same problem, I think. And I'm also sure its not speakers nor cable.
Try removing your powercable if you're on a laptop. the wierd sound disappears for me when its only on battery power.
It might help if we knew which soundcard you are talking about, alsa version etc ...
Mr Green I like Landuke!
It's the chip on my desktop mother board Intel D945PLRN. The chip is called Intel High Definition Audio (or Intel HDA). Latest version of alsa (1.0.23-2) and latest PulseAudio.
My laptop has an intel HDA. Sounds fine, but I don't use PulseAudio, so might have something to do with that.
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
Have you tried running alsamixer and checking if all output volume levels are ok?
Oddly enough, the problem went away with another reboot! I thought this wasn't supposed to happen on Linux!
Thank you all for your comments, I'll bookmark this thread for when another reboot makes it come back .
For future reference, did you check the PCM level? On some sound cards, sound gets pretty distorted when PCM is above ~80%.
Yes, and it's on 100% right now and playing fine
Friggin' sound chips, how do they work!
Pages: 1