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Pages: 1
So today I set up lm_sensors on my AMD Phenom II. Unfortunately, this proc does not support coretemp, but it did seem to detect both my CPU and motherboard thermal sensors. The output for sensors is: However /proc/acpi/thermal_zones is empty. I was wondering if this is normal or an issue with ACPI et cetera. I would like to use /proc/acpi/thermal_zones for xmobars Thermal plugin... Thanks!
My 5 node 9 CPU cluster:
OS: Arch Linux
Machines:Fujitsu T4210 and IBM eServer xSeries 335
Maybe try here
Cool, I found it... unfortunately this means I can't use the Thermal function xmobar, but I can now easily write my own function!
My 5 node 9 CPU cluster:
OS: Arch Linux
Machines:Fujitsu T4210 and IBM eServer xSeries 335
Pages: 1