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Is the panel autohide functionality working for anyone else?
Hi mate, it is working for me with my side panel (I have a little panel on the left side of my screen for task management, which I auto hide for when I need it)
But when I test it with my primary full size panel, it doesn't hide Applications treat it as it if it does though, they go under it..
Arch Linux - Intel E5200 Desktop (MATE GTK3) | Fedora 25 - ASUS Core-i7 Optimus Laptop
Yes, you are right, it's just the original default panel that does not autohide. Any extra panels do indeed honor the autohide setting.
Any solutions so far?
It works fine for me. Check with an empty home - it might be something from the setting migration. You could also try removing and adding the panel again (yes, it's a little bit more work, but the end result might worth it)
Ah, I just found that it doesn't autohide when using the legacy menu (which I prefer), solution for me...
RMB on K-menu and select "Switch to Application Launcher Style"
Set default panel "More Settings" to Auto-hide
% killall plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop (in konsole or alt-f2)
and now my default panel autohides!
Your workaround only works temporarily here.
With the legacy menu my panel breaks autohinding immediately after using kmenu.
With the kickoff menu my panel breaks autohinding sooner or later.
This only brings autohide back until the next time I hit the kickoff menu. A whole lot better than nothing but still... no other solutions?
Now there sits a man with an open mind. You can feel the draft from here...
Groucho Marx
and here it is...
we wait..
Yes, mine still stops autohiding every now and then but I find if I...
alias rehide='killall plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop > /dev/null 2>&1'
then it starts autohiding again. I'm hoping 4.6.1 fixes it.
Update: I find this still happens occasionally so the above alias saves me googling for "archlinux panel autohide" just to find this solution again :-)
Last edited by markc (2011-02-25 21:46:43)