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On my server i have a irssi (irc) session running in a screen.
Recently, when i connect to my server via ssh and try to bring up
my screen, i get this:
$ screen -dr
$TERM too long - sorry.
Trying to launch a new 'screen irssi' yields the same result.
The variable TERM is set to:
So far my workaround is to export TERM="vt100". I do this
everytime i connect to the server. I'm not sure if it is a good idea to
just put this in .bashrc, i'm afraid it might break something. I would
rather like to know what the problem really is in order to attend to
it properly.
Any ideas?
Got the same problem, I'm currently just using aterm instead to connect to remote servers. I didn't really investigate the issue further, though.
Check that the server has the terminfo for rxvt-256, if not, copy it across...
This is patched in Arch. Update screen. … term.patch
Alternatively, just set screen's TERM to 'screen-256color' in .screenrc
Last edited by falconindy (2011-01-29 19:27:43)
urxvt*termName: rxvt-256color in .Xdefaults
term rxvt-256color in .screenrc
Makes everything work flawless. Full color support, no garbage left behind after you detach screen etc.
Last edited by twiggz (2011-01-29 19:47:18)