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Hi, I have a g500 mouse and and I'm determined to have 1000mhz. I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. The mouse itself is capable of it and I've run it at 1000mhz in Windows no problem. In Arch, no matter what I seem to try, it won't exceed 500mhz.
Problem is, despite booting with
and/or running commands like
rmmod usbhid && modprobe usbhid mousepoll=1
modprobe usbhid mousepoll=1
...the evhs utility reports a 500mhz time, and I can definitely tell it's not at 1000 in game.
cat /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll
Returns 1, so it seems that my system believes it's polling at 1000mhz.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
Dunno, maybe this thread helps.
I appreciate the help, and I'll try recompiling the kernel if I have nothing easy to try. It seems like an extreme solution.
Any other ideas are still appreciate though.
Pages: 1