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and obviously fails.
what went wrong?
Have you rebooted?
Have you rebooted?
Only 2 more to go dude, stick in this thread a while longer.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
removed kernel, reinstalled it, and same problem.
must be a bug???
Have you rebooted?
Allan wrote:Have you rebooted?
i don't understand that question.
the problem ocures while booting the kernel
so, should i make a bug-report?
Allan: it's probably a PATH issue.
Capoeira: do this
$ su -
# pacman -S kernel26
Depmod probably isn't executed because there's a problem with $PATH. You don't seem to be the only one having such a problem.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Capoeira: do this
$ su - # pacman -S kernel26
I allready had reinstalled it without success.
I tested renaming the folder in /lib/modules wich gaves me a lot of wrong moduleformat messages DURING boot
Has this Kernel realy been tested?
Perhaps your mirror is stale
.:B:. wrote:Capoeira: do this
$ su - # pacman -S kernel26
I allready had reinstalled it without success.I tested renaming the folder in /lib/modules wich gaves me a lot of wrong moduleformat messages DURING boot
Has this Kernel realy been tested?
here is the catch. paste the damn error
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
crazy thing
I found out the problem.
I have 2 Sata-Drives, root is on the second while on the first is a clone of root. Now here is the strange thing: In bios I declare the second sata as first in boot sequence. This makes grub think it is (hd0,0) it seams. As i have root=(hd1,0) grub read the kernelimages from the clone (it seams). Than later in the bootprocess the kernel itself looks at the right place, but as the image loaded is 2.6.36 it doesn't find the correct modules.
Now I changed in menu.lst the line to "root (hd0,0)" it succesfully boots from SDB1!!!!!!!
I have to apologize as it was a grub-thing, but nobody can expect such a strange behaviour from grub
Last edited by capoeira (2011-01-31 16:46:35)
I am having the same problem, but I have only one disk in my computer. System boots with kernel 2.6.36 although I upgraded to 37.
I tried to reinstall but it did not help.
I have the same problem from another thread. … 87#p889487
I am able to boot up to gdm then it hangs. I have one drive only having several partitions dual booting with LM 10. I'm still looking for remedy to this problem.
deleted. duplicate post.
Last edited by bibimidi (2011-02-08 09:57:35)