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I took the plunge and installed archlinux 64 bit on my desktop. I am a distro hopper although I have been using slackware for many years now as the de facto distro.
I have been configuring the system using the excellent wiki and most configurations I have made seem ok, apart from the locale.
The locale was set (and still seems to be) us english utf8. Following the wiki and going through editing the locale file and then generating the locale and then placing the prefered locale in /etc/rc.conf does not seem to have worked. The keyboard is still US for all apps.
I am using the icewm.
Any ideas ?
Last edited by blackone (2011-02-10 12:47:44)
Locale and keymap are not the same thing, you have both on rc.conf. Also X will not inherit the keymap setting from rc.conf as this applies only to the ttys.
You need to add a config to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d or use setxkbmap after starting X.
The file you can add to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d is something like this:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Keyboard Defaults"
MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
Option "XkbLayout" "pt"
Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
Check the wiki for more info and other examples.
Thanks for the input rookie.
I did what you suggested replacing pt with uk.
I rebooted. I forgot to mention that I use gdm to login. In gdm the uk keyboard layout was selected but there was no way of entering the password infact when the uk layout was selected gdm was pretty much frozen. Changing to us layout got round the problem.
I am going to reboot using a configuration from the wiki - but I may just copy over the slackware xorg.conf and see what happens.
Mind you that having just one big xorg.conf is not the preferred way of configuring Xorg anymore.
Also you may want to try to put gdm aside for a while and try to start icewm from a tty and see if things work, if they do then try to figure out why gdm is not cooperating. I can't be of much help there because I don't use any login manager.
Its always a simple mistake - uk instead of gb with what you gave me. DOH!!!
Thanks for the interest anyway
Thanks for the input rookie.
I did what you suggested replacing pt with uk.
I rebooted. I forgot to mention that I use gdm to login. In gdm the uk keyboard layout was selected but there was no way of entering the password infact when the uk layout was selected gdm was pretty much frozen. Changing to us layout got round the problem.
I am going to reboot using a configuration from the wiki - but I may just copy over the slackware xorg.conf and see what happens.
'uk' is not a valid layout for X, 'gb' on the other hand is.
Edit: Bha, silly broken squid made me miss the last post >_>
Last edited by Mr.Elendig (2011-02-09 19:04:38)
Evil channel op and general support dude.
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