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I did a search on this and didn't find anything relevant.
I have been debating with myself over if I shall post this here, in Laptop issues or in the Wiki thread... I hope I made the right choice, if not, please forgive me.
I had an interesting experience when I where to install ArchLinux on my Acer Timeline 3810T, as this was my first time installing Linux from USB I followed the guides in the ArchWiki to make the USB stick, only to find that the sticks I made (used about 10 different vendors and sizes) in FlashNUL or UNetBootin wouldn't boot, the laptop just crashed during PoST. I found through some research that my USB sticks where formatted to a filesystem my BIOS doesn't recognize.
After some experimenting I got the stick bootable by manually making a bootable FAT32 formatted stick and unpacked the contents of the ISO on it.
I later noticed that Universal USB Installer does the same job as I did manually. (link to the program: … -as-1-2-3/ )
Perhaps the ArchWiki should be updated to include this as a "try this if all other methods failed" point for those that have this problem? I do believe there might be some beginners out there having the same problems I had.
Just a thought...
Hi Warepire,
I guess you tried to prepare the USB-stick from Windows?
I've experienced the same problem and solved it by using Arch Boot instead; … chboot.iso
Just put it on your USB-stick with Unetbootin by selecting the image.
Last edited by tripox (2011-02-08 12:35:20)
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However, *IF* you have a UNIX-box around, you can run dd if=archlinux-2010.12-1-archboot.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=100M instead.
It works 100 % of the time. :-)
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Maintainer of 'xbattbar-acpi' a simple single-line battery indicator - try it!
Why not update that wiki yourself? After all, it's a wiki...
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tripbox: I was making the stick under Windows yes, but it worked on other laptops, it was just the Timeline that didn't boot for me. So I draw the conclusion that the problem lies with the Timeline BIOS, do note that I completed the installation 2 weeks ago, so it's not actually really a problem, more like a solution to a problem that exists for some.
.:B:.: I am horrible at editing wiki's, I have tried many times and always failed completely, the wiki syntax is just too unnatural for me.
TRIPOX: I was making the stick under Windows yes, but it worked on other laptops, it was just the Timeline that didn't boot for me. So I draw the conclusion that the problem lies with the Timeline BIOS, do note that I completed the installation 2 weeks ago, so it's not actually really a problem, more like a solution to a problem that exists for some.
.:B:.: I am horrible at editing wiki's, I have tried many times and always failed completely, the wiki syntax is just too unnatural for me.
Oh, then I misunderstood your post.
Go edit the wiki anyway.
People can always contribute and edit your section to a proper syntax.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Maintainer of 'xbattbar-acpi' a simple single-line battery indicator - try it!