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It is the first time I have such issue :(o
this morning I got notified of new packages (don't remember which app is checking) so I started the upgrade.
It went fine and received no error message.
Turned off laptop and went to work.
When I try to start it now, I can see lots of error messages (i.e. can;t read modules .ko) or something like that but being installed on a SSD it goes stupidly fast and then it stops onto the text login screen but my keyboard seems to not be responsive.
I believe that the kernel upgrade must have failed but I have no bloody idea on how to fix it
I have access to a gparted live USB so can mount the laptop HDD etc.
Any advice will be more than welcome!
Try to chroot in your instalation and downgrade kernel.
How can I force Pacman to install the previous kernel26?
ok in fact, I managed to chroot and simply recompiled the kernel and I can boot fine...
Should have tried for longer before posting...
thanks for your help