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So I've a question regarding the sensors daemon (I'm not talking about sensord which is something else).
I've put it as advised in my rc.d (back-grounded), but I don't see any related process in the process tree (with ps -el), nor when I start it manually (with /etc/rc.d/sensors).
My questions are :
What does it do ?
Is it really needed ?
And if so do you know the name of the process ?
It's a detail but I don't want to autostart things I don't understand (it's not the archway I think ^^).
Thank you and good day !
Last edited by Sathors (2011-02-24 19:19:23)
I think that it just loads modules.
It's a very deadly weapon to know what you're doing
--- William Murderface
So why is it named a daemon if it's not a running process ?
If you are right I should leave him at upstart then.
Thank you for your answer.
Any more remarks ?
1. Just read it and see exactly what it does? It's just a plain old bash script after all.
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
I've already read the wiki page, so I'm gonna read the bash script.
Thank you.