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#1 2011-02-24 10:50:34

From: Ukraine, Kyiv
Registered: 2008-12-02
Posts: 422

[SOLVED] Keyboard strcks if many keypresses at once

Hi all.

I've got hooked on HedgeWars recently, and problem with sticky keys on my keyboard suddenly appeared. If Left+Up+Space pressed at once, Space won't work, and Left or Up will stick until pressed-and-released again.

I'm wondering, if there are some software tricky fixes for that problem (maybe some X or BIOS settings?).

If there are no any fixes, suggest please keyboard that is free of that limitation, works under Linux well, and is available on European market.

My keyboard is some Labtec PS/2 model (don't know exactly, as it is old enough). Mother board is ASUS P5K

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by eDio (2011-02-28 22:35:28)


#2 2011-02-24 11:31:05

Registered: 2011-02-23
Posts: 112

Re: [SOLVED] Keyboard strcks if many keypresses at once

It sounds like what you want is a keyboard with n-key rollover.


#3 2011-02-24 11:37:36

From: Ukraine, Kyiv
Registered: 2008-12-02
Posts: 422

Re: [SOLVED] Keyboard strcks if many keypresses at once

Thanks for your reply, neurolysis.

So, if it is a strictly hardware problem, I believe, it is neccessary to move this topic to Offtopic section.


#4 2011-02-25 05:27:16

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,349

Re: [SOLVED] Keyboard strcks if many keypresses at once

n-key rollover is not really applicable to an X windows system.  It really is more of an external terminal kind of thing.  Modern systems keep track of key down and key up events.  The effect of n-key rollover is implemented by keeping track of when keys go down, when keys go up, and the order in which all of this happens.

For some reason, your system is missing key events.   Assume, for a second, that a key up event is missed.  The software naturally assumes the key is still down.  When you press the key again, the system sees another key down event.   How the software handles two key down events without an intervening key up event depends on the implementation.

I have seen a few things cause things like this.  It could be a bug in HedgeWars -- I wouldn't know, I've never seen the game.  It could also be another program "Stealing" events when it should not have the focus.   You might ensure that other programs / processes that could steal keystrokes are not running.

One of the biggest offenders is login manager, Slim.  If you are using that, you might try running without it, or using gdm or kdm.

Can you tell us more about the system?  What Desktop Environment, login manager, windows manager are you using ?  You might try a different window manager -- Instead of Kwin, try Metacity.  Try LXDE,. Try  Xfwm.

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#5 2011-02-25 07:35:06

From: Ukraine, Kyiv
Registered: 2008-12-02
Posts: 422

Re: [SOLVED] Keyboard strcks if many keypresses at once

I'm using fully KDEish desktop, hence there is KDM, Kwin and all other KDE related things. Have many programs running in background.

Thanks for a hint, I'll try another window manager, maybe even try to run the game under openbox session.


#6 2011-02-28 22:35:08

From: Ukraine, Kyiv
Registered: 2008-12-02
Posts: 422

Re: [SOLVED] Keyboard strcks if many keypresses at once

Solved by replacing keyboard


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