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I followed the wiki for setting up a disk quota for user polipo. Im now at the point where I configure the settings (edquota polipo)
This is what I see
Disk quotas for user polipo (uid 999):
Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard
/dev/sda3 12 0 0 5 0 0
My question is how does this work? I mean I know what the wiki says
1k blocks
Number of entries in directory file
Max number of blocks/inodes user may have on partition before warning is issued and grace period countdown begins. If set to "0" (zero) then no limit is enforced.
Max number of blocks/inodes user may have on partition. If set to "0" (zero) then no limit is enforced.
For blocks do I just put what df shows for /dev/sda3 (20641788)? Im lost, why doesnt it automatically determine the blocks field?
EDIT: lol, just noticed I said du, I meand df
Last edited by tjwoosta (2011-02-28 06:19:30)
Ok, well I tried setting the blocks and inode sizes, but found that Im not allowed to change them, so apparently they are automatically determined. Now Im just completely confused.
Why would disk quota only see 12 blocks and 5 inodes when that partition is actually about 15gb?
heres complete df output
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev 10240 220 10020 3% /dev
/dev/sda3 20641788 10384160 9208988 53% /
shm 507432 0 507432 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 101105 15569 80315 17% /boot
/dev/sda4 93595684 62933804 25907444 71% /home
38804448 36731584 101696 100% /home/tj/Shared/Torrents
38804448 36731584 101696 100% /home/tj/Shared/Downloads
Now I have a theory that the user polipo that I created according to the polipo wiki page doesnt have proper read permissions in /
The entire polipo wiki page makes absolutely no sense to me. Whoever created it left a ton of important stuff out. For instance they instructed me to change ownership of /var/lib/polipo/*, /var/cache/polipo/*, and /var/run/polipo/* to user polipo, but they never mention how user polipo is supposed to even get to those directories when it has no read permissions in /, wtf
Am I missing something important thats supposed to be obvious?
Last edited by tjwoosta (2011-02-27 21:34:57)
Well I figured it out...
I was totally wrong about the permissions. The blocks field actually means blocks that are already used, not total blocks availible, same with inodes.
Ill try to modify the disk quota wiki page to make this apparent.
Pages: 1