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Hello, I was hoping some of you could post your mc themes/screenshots. I can't find another thread on the topic. I guess it will depend on your .Xdefaults colors also, but I was just looking for some examples. Maybe post the color part of the ~/.mc/ini and the relevant part of your .Xdefaults, and a screenshot? I'll post mine after I steal some of your ideas. Thanks
(edit: how about posting skins instead if you have any)
Last edited by stlarch (2011-02-28 05:06:08)
I'm just using MC skins (/usr/share/mc/skins/*) defind in .mc/ini to change my theme. The screenshot's from Debian, as I use QTFM in Arch, but it should work for anybody:
I just use urxvt with tabbing set with a true transparent background and default colors, and tweaked the tab colors:
*background: black
*foreground: white
xterm*background: #3c3c3c
urxvt*depth: 32
urxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/bfbf
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 4
URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: -1 6 -1
It seems I was a bit confused on the original post. I was reading something on changing colors in the [colors] part of the ini, but it seems to only partially work. I guess I should have read a little more before I posted (or at least looked in /usr/share/mc/ first). Duh. Anyway, I'll just use one of the skins and modify it a bit and see what I come up with. Thanks. (in that case, just post your skins then)
Last edited by stlarch (2011-02-28 05:17:52)
Hey, I found it by accident anyway. Unless you haven't realized, you can store them in .mc/skins as well. Much easier to edit there.
mc-git from aur have 256 colours support and is coming with two new themes sand256 and xoria256, in the sand256 are instructions how the themes can be edited, the skin which i am using is based on xoria256 and is far from finished, the .Xresources file is from DMZ's git repository. Configuration files was moved to XDG_CONFIG_HOME respectively XDG_DATA_HOME.
Last edited by kernel (2011-02-28 15:39:39)
Well, here's what I have so far. I modified the nicedark.ini some. I think it's better now. I put the new skin in my dot files for now. (blue.ini) Thanks for everything.
edit: I made it a proper blue color now instead of the magenta. If you want a different color just change the blue values to whatever color you want. You might want to tweak it further though.
edit: I changed my setup a bit so I updated the screenshot.
Last edited by stlarch (2011-05-14 04:20:05)
.Xdefaults colours
mc theme
Last edited by bohoomil (2011-03-14 00:55:37)
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