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I'm using Intel ich10R fake raid (dual-boot with Windows) and I'm having an issue with dmraid discovering two different metadata formats for my raid (ddf1 and isw). I need to use the isw format, but unfortunately, dmraid defaults to ddf1. To get around this, in /lib/initcpio/hooks/dmraid I've changed the lines:
if [ "${quiet}" = "y" ]; then
/sbin/dmraid -ay -I -Z >/dev/null
/sbin/dmraid -ay -I -Z
if [ "${quiet}" = "y" ]; then
/sbin/dmraid -f isw -ay -Z >/dev/null
/sbin/dmraid -f isw -ay -Z
This works, but if dmraid is updated, I'll need to change these lines again or else not be able to boot. Also, it just doesn't feel right. Is there a better way to do this?
RHEL6 has switch dmraid into mdraid.
isw is supported by mdraid 3.2 which providing more feature.
Currently, I don't have access to fake RAID right now, you can try mdadm -e isw option.
Does initd.gz support mdadm now?
Pages: 1