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#1 2010-12-17 08:55:45

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 67

ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

Hi guys,

A long time ago I had an issue with my ASRock ION330 HT's remote not working with Arch. The fix was to use this package: and edit the PKGBUILD a tad so it would compile with the current kernel of the time (2.6.34). I didn't want to do this every time a new version of the kernel was released, so what I did was add kernel and all related packages to the IgnorePkg option under pacman.conf.

I recently decided to change my ways and updated the kernel and all related packages to 2.6.36, knowing this would probably break remote functionality. Looking through the comments of the above AUR package, I saw someone had given two options, to fix the PKGBUILD they had on a pastebin link (, or build nuvoton-cir using the other pastebin link (

I tried going with option one but I have no idea how to fix the PKGBUILD, so I went with nuvoton-cir instead and it worked pretty well. The only problem I'm having now is that sensitivity is quite poor, with buttons events seeming to "queue" up and making for a horrible user experience. Some buttons don't work at all, and irw reports no events at all even though I can clearly see it working on my screen.

Any help with this before my girlfriend kills me would be greatly appreciated! tongue


#2 2010-12-26 21:42:29

Registered: 2008-12-24
Posts: 12

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

Hi Hiram,

I'm running into the same problem. That's to say, I followed the same steps you did - I tried editing the PKGBUILD but got an error compiling:

==> Validating source files with md5sums...
IR(10.10) ... Passed
lirc-0.8.7-pre3.tar.bz2 ... Passed
==> Extracting Sources...
-> Extracting IR(10.10) with bsdtar
-> Extracting lirc-0.8.7-pre3.tar.bz2 with bsdtar
==> Starting build()...
make: *** No rule to make target `../../config.h', needed by `lirc_wb677.o'. Stop.
==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build lirc-nct677x.

For the second option I managed to compile and install, but the remote didn't respond. Would you perhaps share the steps you took to install nuvoton-cir?

Also, in case you hadn't spotted it yet, someone posted on the lirc-nct677x page the following:

Comment by: RambJoe on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 17:02:34 +0000

I managed to compile it with that. I have not got my ASrock 330HT to test it on yet though.


That didn't help me, but perhaps you find it useful.




#3 2011-01-01 16:45:13

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

You'll need the newer PKGBUILD for nuvoton-cir for now, it will compile without problems. After that, the only thing you need to do is get the lircd.conf.wb667 file from the Ubuntu package and copy it to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf.

When you have confirmed that the remote works by running irw, download the Mythbuntu-lirc-generator and run it.

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#4 2011-03-12 12:51:41

Registered: 2007-09-21
Posts: 113

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.


irw give me output to every key i press but xbmc only handles the arrow keys. any solution for that?

Thanks, Andreas


#5 2011-03-12 12:57:57

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

echasslau, did you follow the instructions in the post above yours?

Also, you shouldn't need any extra drivers anymore, kernel 2.6.37 has support built-in for the remote.

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#6 2011-03-12 13:39:39

Registered: 2007-09-21
Posts: 113

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

Yes, only use kernel 2.6.37 and also have lircd.conf.wb667 in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf.
But Mythbuntu-lirc-generator doesn't generate files for xbmc.


#7 2011-03-12 13:56:15

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

I also have an:


And in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf:

# /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
#Chosen Remote Control
REMOTE="Nuvoton Transceivers/Remotes"
REMOTE_MODULES="lirc_dev nuvoton-cir"

[ ... ]

Do you have that?

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#8 2011-03-12 14:18:05

Registered: 2007-09-21
Posts: 113

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

Lol, with that nothing is working...


#9 2011-03-12 14:23:33

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

Sorry, i'm not sure what you should do at this point. It would seem to be something trivial and/or easy to fix...

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#10 2011-04-09 05:45:27

Registered: 2009-03-20
Posts: 12

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.


Just wondering if there was anything that else that any has in their bag of tricks to get this working? 

I have one of these Asrocks and have installed
Arch - Mythtv and XBMC but I cannot for the life of me work out how to get the remote to work other the standard arrow keys and volume.


Quazza big_smile


#11 2011-04-10 02:21:51

From: Austin, TX
Registered: 2009-01-24
Posts: 202

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

The nuvoton-cir driver is already part of kernel 2.6.37, so no need to build anything. Did you see my comment on the lirc-nct677x page?

Typo fixed: Put "echo lirc >/sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols" or "ir-keytable -p lirc" into /etc/rc.local (ir-keytable is available in v4l-utils.)


#12 2011-04-11 10:07:10

Registered: 2009-03-20
Posts: 12

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

fphillips wrote:

The nuvoton-cir driver is already part of kernel 2.6.37, so no need to build anything. Did you see my comment on the lirc-nct677x page?

Typo fixed: Put "echo lirc >/sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols" or "ir-keytable -p lirc" into /etc/rc.local (ir-keytable is available in v4l-utils.)

Hi mate,

Yes I did see that post but wasn't that talking about key repeat problem ? That isn't really what my problem, the remote is only using the hard coded buttons like volume and arrows.

I will add this to rc.local and I assume I need to install v4l-utils ?

Thanks and I will post back my results.


Quazza big_smile

PS - fphillips mate you are an absolute champion the remote buttons are working now in XBMC but aren't in Myth so I will have a further fiddle with Myth but I am making progress!!! Thanks again

PPS - Ok got myth working now too, it was just my lirccd.conf , I must have removed it earlier when I was trying to get this working, anyway all good now.

Last edited by quazza (2011-04-11 13:52:58)


#13 2011-04-11 23:29:39

From: Austin, TX
Registered: 2009-01-24
Posts: 202

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

quazza wrote:

Hi mate,

Yes I did see that post but wasn't that talking about key repeat problem ? That isn't really what my problem, the remote is only using the hard coded buttons like volume and arrows.

Well it may have originally been, but either way we need it. If you google those commands you will see many references to it.

PPS - Ok got myth working now too, it was just my lirccd.conf , I must have removed it earlier when I was trying to get this working, anyway all good now.

Please mark as solved. smile


#14 2011-09-04 15:50:31

From: Aalborg Denmark
Registered: 2010-04-22
Posts: 5

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.


I had my asrock running nice and sweet with xbmc until recently where my harddrive suddanly decided to crash, I have changed the harddrive but cant get the remote working again, (the old setup was a .35 kernel i didnt update) I found this thread and the AUR pkg, but the pastebin that fphillips have made is gone, and when I try to do what i can find here + other sources, nothing seem to work. (best result is actually to do nothing!?! that gives some basic movement and play)

Can anyone tell me how to make the remote work for real in XBMC using the new 3.0.3 kernel ? or tell me what fphillips had wrote in those pastebins, seems like ppl make it work with those smile



#15 2011-09-04 17:12:37

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 5,026

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

If i recall it right, the only thing i have for my Asrock 330 on kernel 3.0 is an /etc/lirc/lircd.conf file containing this:

# brand:                        HP 
# model no. of remote control:  TSGH-IR01
# devices being controlled by this remote: HP Slimline S3100y
# RC-6 config file
# source:
# used by: Philips
# Philips Media Center Edition remote control
# For use with the USB MCE ir receiver
# Dan Conti  dconti|
# Updated with codes for MCE 2005 Remote additional buttons
# *, #, Teletext, Red, Green, Yellow & Blue Buttons
# Note: TV power button transmits no code until programmed.
# Updated 12th September 2005
# Graham Auld - mce|
# Radio, Print, RecTV are only available on the HP Media Center remote control
# Updated with codes for MCE 2007 Remote additional buttons
# Visualization, Aspect, SlideShow, Eject
# Note: 
# Renamed some buttons: DVD->DVDMenu, More->MoreInfo, Star->Asterisk, Hash->Pound
# Note: 
# Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, and Teletext buttons do not exist on the HP remote

begin remote

  name        mceusb
  bits                 16
  eps                  30
  aeps                100

  header       2667   889
  one           444   444
  zero          444   444
  pre_data_bits        21
  pre_data        0x37FF0
  gap              105000
  toggle_bit           22
  rc6_mask    0x100000000

      begin codes

#unused by HP remote
	Blue	      0x00007ba1
	Yellow	      0x00007ba2
	Green	      0x00007ba3
	Red	      0x00007ba4
	Teletext      0x00007ba5

#ba6 - bae unused 
        BA6           0x00007ba6
        BA7           0x00007ba7
        BA8           0x00007ba8
        BA9           0x00007ba9
        BAA           0x00007baa
        BAB           0x00007bab
        BAC           0x00007bac
        BAD           0x00007bad
        BAE           0x00007bae

        Radio         0x00007baf
        Print         0x00007bb1

#bb2 - bb4 unused  
        BB2           0x00007bb2
        BB3           0x00007bb3
        BB4           0x00007bb4

        Videos        0x00007bb5
        Pictures      0x00007bb6
        RecTV         0x00007bb7
        Music         0x00007bb8
        TV            0x00007bb9

#bba - bbf unused 
        BBA           0x00007bba
        BBB           0x00007bbb
        BBC           0x00007bbc
        BBD           0x00007bbd
        BBE           0x00007bbe
        BBF           0x00007bbf
#bc1 - bca unused 
        BC1           0x00007bc1
        BC2           0x00007bc2
        BC3           0x00007bc3
        BC4           0x00007bc4
        BC5           0x00007bc5
        BC6           0x00007bc6
        BC7           0x00007bc7
        BC8           0x00007bc8
        BC9           0x00007bc9
        BCA           0x00007bca

        Eject         0x00007bcb
        SlideShow     0x00007bcc
        Visualization 0x00007bcd

#bce - bcf unused 
        BCE           0x00007bce
        BCF           0x00007bcf
#bd1 - bd7 unused 
        BD1           0x00007bd1
        BD2           0x00007bd2
        BD3           0x00007bd3
        BD4           0x00007bd4
        BD5           0x00007bd5
        BD6           0x00007bd6
        BD7           0x00007bd7

        Aspect        0x00007bd8
        Guide         0x00007bd9
        LiveTV        0x00007bda
        DVD           0x00007bdb
        Back          0x00007bdc
        OK            0x00007bdd
        Right         0x00007bde
        Left          0x00007bdf
        Down          0x00007be0
        Up            0x00007be1
        Star          0x00007be2
        Hash          0x00007be3
        Replay        0x00007be4
        Skip          0x00007be5
        Stop          0x00007be6
        Pause         0x00007be7
        Record        0x00007be8
        Play          0x00007be9
        Rewind        0x00007bea
        Forward       0x00007beb
        ChanDown      0x00007bec
        ChanUp        0x00007bed
        VolDown       0x00007bee
        VolUp         0x00007bef
        More          0x00007bf0
        Mute          0x00007bf1
        Home          0x00007bf2
        Power         0x00007bf3
        Enter         0x00007bf4
        Clear         0x00007bf5
        Nine          0x00007bf6
        Eight         0x00007bf7
        Seven         0x00007bf8
        Six           0x00007bf9
        Five          0x00007bfa
        Four          0x00007bfb
        Three         0x00007bfc
        Two           0x00007bfd
        One           0x00007bfe
        Zero          0x00007bff
      end codes

end remote
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.8.4a(default) on Mon Feb 23 23:55:04 2009
# contributed by 
# brand:                       Hauppauge
# model no. of remote control: 
# devices being controlled by this remote: PVR-150 Remote (MCE kit)
# SMK dongle 0609:031d

begin remote

  name  mceusb_hauppauge
  bits           13
  eps            30
  aeps          100

  header       2674   870
  one           455   427
  zero          455   427
  pre_data_bits   24
  pre_data       0x1BFF82
  gap          106288
  min_repeat      1
  toggle_bit_mask 0x8000
  rc6_mask    0x100000000

      begin codes
          TV                       0x1BB9
          Music                    0x1BB8
          Pictures                 0x1BB6
          Videos                   0x1BB5
          Power                    0x1BF3
          Stop                     0x1BE6
          Record                   0x1BE8
          Pause                    0x1BE7
          Play                     0x1BE9
          Rewind                   0x1BEA
          Foward                   0x1BEB
          Replay                   0x1BE4
          Skip                     0x1BE5
          Back                     0x1BDC
          More                     0x1BF0
          Up                       0x1BE1
          Left                     0x1BDF
          Right                    0x1BDE
          OK                       0x1BDD
          Down                     0x1BE0
          VolUp                    0x1BEF
          VolDown                  0x1BEE
          Home                     0x1BF2
          ChanDown                 0x1BED
          ChanUp                   0x1BEC
          Mute                     0x1BF1
          RecTV                    0x1BB7
          Guide                    0x1BD9
          LiveTV                   0x1BDA
          DVD                      0x1BDB
          One                      0x1BFE
          Two                      0x1BFD
          Three                    0x1BFC
          Four                     0x1BFB
          Five                     0x1BFA
          Six                      0x1BF9
          Seven                    0x1BF8
          Eight                    0x1BF7
          Nine                     0x1BF6
          Star                     0x1BE2
          Zero                     0x1BFF
          Hash                     0x1BE3
          Clear                    0x1BF5
          Enter                    0x1BF4
      end codes

end remote

# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.8.4a(default) on Tue Mar 10 19:27:09 2009
# contributed by 
# brand:  SIIG Vista MCE remote
# model no. of remote control: 
# devices being controlled by this remote:

begin remote

  name  vista_mce
  bits           16
  flags RC6
  eps            30
  aeps          100

  header       2654   889
  one           427   427
  zero          427   427
  pre_data_bits   21
  pre_data       0x37FF0
  gap          69850
  toggle_bit_mask 0x8000
  rc6_mask    0x100000000

      begin codes
          Power                    0xEBF3
          Pictures                 0x6BB6
          Radio                    0xEBAF
          Videos                   0x6BB5
          Music                    0xEBB8
          Rec                      0x6BE8
          Pause                    0xEBE7
          Stop                     0x6BE6
          Skipback                 0xEBE4
          Play                     0x6BE9
          Skipfwd                  0xEBE5
          Rwd                      0x6BEA
          Fwd                      0xEBEB
          Start                    0x6BF2
          Back                     0xEBDC
          More                     0x6BF0
          Volup                    0xEBEF
          Voldown                  0x6BEE
          Chup                     0xEBED
          Chdown                   0x6BEC
          Up                       0xEBE1
          Down                     0x6BE0
          Left                     0xEBDF
          Right                    0x6BDE
          Mute                     0xEBF1
          Rectv                    0x6BB7
          Guide                    0xEBD9
          Livetv                   0x6BDA
          Dvdmenu                  0xEBDB
          1                        0x6BFE
          2                        0xEBFD
          3                        0x6BFC
          4                        0xEBFB
          5                        0x6BFA
          6                        0xEBF9
          7                        0x6BF8
          8                        0xEBF7
          9                        0x6BF6
          *                        0xEBE2
          0                        0x6BFF
          #                        0xEBE3
          Clear                    0x6BF5
          Enter                    0xEBF4
      end codes

end remote

(which is actually the wb667 conf i think)

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


#16 2011-09-04 17:49:28

From: Aalborg Denmark
Registered: 2010-04-22
Posts: 5

Re: ASRock ION330 HT remote driver issue.

Yeah that conf works on irw, but still no result in XBMC though hmm That might be my own fault though, due to too much playing with conf files smile

Thanks alot litemotiv


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