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Not much changed from last month. XMonad, 3 x dzen, the bottom 2 with conky, xcompmgr, etc.
Firefox 4 with Pentadactyl (next generation vimperator) - not very lightweight, but i love it:
Many of my dotfiles can be found here:
Is the wallpaper based on an anime?
Cloudef wrote:Is the wallpaper based on an anime?
Nope, It's Byakuren from Touhou.
kyla wrote:Clean(ish):
Busy (sorta): you post your conkyrc
I moved the clock a little since posting but here it is:
# Conky sample configuration
# the list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
# of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
# Check for an up-to-date-list.
alignment top_right
background yes
#border_margin 0
#border_width 0
cpu_avg_samples 2
#color0 7d7d7d
#color1 green
#color2 ffffff
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
default_color black
#draw_graph_borders yes
#default_shade_color cyan
#default_outline_color black
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
#mail_spool $MAIL
minimum_size 240
#maximum_width 330
no_buffers yes
net_avg_samples 2
out_to_console no
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour cyan
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
override_utf8_locale yes
stippled_borders 0
total_run_times 0
use_xft yes
use_spacer right
update_interval 1.0
uppercase no
#wm_class_name Conky
xftfont Terminal:size=9
xftalpha 0.8
${alignr}all your base
${voffset -14}${font Openlogos:size=16}A${font} ${hr}
cpu:${alignr}${offset 7}${hwmon 1 temp 1}°C ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C
${cpugraph 86d3ef f86d68}
ram:${alignr}${offset 7}${mem}/${memmax}
hdd:${alignr}${fs_free /}/${fs_size /}
${fs_bar_free /}
disk io:
${diskiograph 86d3ef f86d68}
${execpi 3600 paconky ~/.scripts/paconky/repos.paconky}
${execpi 3600 paconky ~/.scripts/paconky/aur.paconky}
mail:${alignr} ${texeci 60 perl ~/.scripts/ n} new
${wireless_essid wlan0}:${alignr}${wireless_bitrate wlan0}
${wireless_link_bar wlan0}
${offset 52}${voffset -3}${font URW Gothic L:size=60}${time %I}
${offset 148}${voffset -125}${font URW Gothic L:size=32}${time :%M}
${offset 213}${voffset -73}${font URW Gothic L:size=13}${time %S}
${offset 213}${voffset -7}${font URW Gothic L:size=13}${time :%P}
${offset 148}${font URW Gothic L:size=16}${time %B %d}${font}
Nope, It's Byakuren from Touhou.
Can I have a link to the wallpaper then? I like it.
On a more related note:
Not necessarily a desktop screenshot. Waited for a custom kernel to compile to enable background images in console and it turns out the default CDM theme doesn't alter the background.
For every problem, there is a solution that is:
Simple and most of all...wrong!
Github page
Wallpaper please!
Cloudef wrote:Nope, It's Byakuren from Touhou.
Can I have a link to the wallpaper then? I like it.
On a more related note:
Not necessarily a desktop screenshot. Waited for a custom kernel to compile to enable background images in console and it turns out the default CDM theme doesn't alter the background.
Thats nice! Was that a patch you applied? If it was I would love a link to it.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Cloudef wrote:Nope, It's Byakuren from Touhou.
Can I have a link to the wallpaper then? I like it.
Here is the original, I edited the image to fit my desktop tho.
ShadowKyogre wrote:Cloudef wrote:Nope, It's Byakuren from Touhou.
Can I have a link to the wallpaper then? I like it.
Here is the original, I edited the image to fit my desktop tho.
Okay. Thank you
ShadowKyogre wrote:Cloudef wrote:Nope, It's Byakuren from Touhou.
Can I have a link to the wallpaper then? I like it.
On a more related note:
Not necessarily a desktop screenshot. Waited for a custom kernel to compile to enable background images in console and it turns out the default CDM theme doesn't alter the background. nice! Was that a patch you applied? If it was I would love a link to it.
Technically yes. I installed the kernel26-fbcondecor from the AUR. If you're using the proprietary nVidia driver, like I am, you'll also need to install nvidia-fbcondecor in place of the original nvidia driver. After that, I followed the instructions on how to set up Fbsplash. Whatever theme you chose should set the background image for the console when your computer's finished booting.
The theme in this shot is arch-black for fbsplash.
For every problem, there is a solution that is:
Simple and most of all...wrong!
Github page
E17 shot, with an adaptation of Hokusai's wave as background, seemed appropriate after what happened in Japan and also to remind me of the fact that life can be over with the blink of an eye.
Can you post a copy of just the wave? Looks like a nice background.
VCoolio wrote:E17 shot, with an adaptation of Hokusai's wave as background, seemed appropriate after what happened in Japan and also to remind me of the fact that life can be over with the blink of an eye.
Can you post a copy of just the wave? Looks like a nice background.
Just google The Great Wave off Kanagawa and you should find tons of them along with variations
EDIT: Found it for you, … 0wave&qo=5
Last edited by Crunch (2011-03-13 05:45:56)
Registered Linux user #536591.
E17 shot, with an adaptation of Hokusai's wave as background, seemed appropriate after what happened in Japan and also to remind me of the fact that life can be over with the blink of an eye.
What is that theme You using in E17 ? And what's the name of your E17 icon set ?
nTia89 wrote:kyla wrote:Clean(ish):
Busy (sorta): you post your conkyrc
I moved the clock a little since posting but here it is:
# Conky sample configuration # # the list of variables has been removed from this file in favour # of keeping the documentation more maintainable. # Check for an up-to-date-list. alignment top_right background yes #border_margin 0 #border_width 0 cpu_avg_samples 2 #color0 7d7d7d #color1 green #color2 ffffff double_buffer yes draw_shades no draw_outline no draw_borders no default_color black #draw_graph_borders yes #default_shade_color cyan #default_outline_color black gap_x 10 gap_y 10 #mail_spool $MAIL minimum_size 240 #maximum_width 330 no_buffers yes net_avg_samples 2 out_to_console no own_window yes own_window_type desktop own_window_transparent yes own_window_colour cyan own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager override_utf8_locale yes stippled_borders 0 total_run_times 0 use_xft yes use_spacer right update_interval 1.0 uppercase no #wm_class_name Conky xftfont Terminal:size=9 xftalpha 0.8 TEXT ${alignr}all your base ${voffset -14}${font Openlogos:size=16}A${font} ${hr} node:${alignr}${nodename} kernel:${alignr}${kernel} architecture:${alignr}${machine} uptime:${alignr}${uptime_short} ${hr} cpu:${alignr}${offset 7}${hwmon 1 temp 1}°C ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C ${cpugraph 86d3ef f86d68} ram:${alignr}${offset 7}${mem}/${memmax} ${membar} hdd:${alignr}${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar_free /} disk io: ${diskiograph 86d3ef f86d68} ${hr} volume:${alignr}${mixer}/100 ${mixerbar} battery:${alignr}${battery_time} ${battery_bar} ${hr} ${execpi 3600 paconky ~/.scripts/paconky/repos.paconky} ${execpi 3600 paconky ~/.scripts/paconky/aur.paconky} ${hr} mail:${alignr} ${texeci 60 perl ~/.scripts/ n} new ${hr} ${wireless_essid wlan0}:${alignr}${wireless_bitrate wlan0} ${wireless_link_bar wlan0} ${hr} ${offset 52}${voffset -3}${font URW Gothic L:size=60}${time %I} ${offset 148}${voffset -125}${font URW Gothic L:size=32}${time :%M} ${offset 213}${voffset -73}${font URW Gothic L:size=13}${time %S} ${offset 213}${voffset -7}${font URW Gothic L:size=13}${time :%P} ${offset 148}${font URW Gothic L:size=16}${time %B %d}${font}
thanks very much
+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome
Easy. You need to install xdg-utils and xdg-user-dirs and run xdg-user-dirs-update and your file manager must start showing video/music/etc. icons.
No, pcmanfm hadn't started. And I don't know, how can I change the icon in pcmanfm or thunar.
Last edited by anabolikas (2011-03-13 18:55:39)
tartan wrote:Easy. You need to install xdg-utils and xdg-user-dirs and run xdg-user-dirs-update and your file manager must start showing video/music/etc. icons.
No, pcmanfm hadn't started. And I don't know, how can I change the icon in pcmanfm or thunar.
Depends. If you're using a WM, you could use lxappearance to change GTK and icon theme.
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
anabolikas wrote:tartan wrote:Easy. You need to install xdg-utils and xdg-user-dirs and run xdg-user-dirs-update and your file manager must start showing video/music/etc. icons.
No, pcmanfm hadn't started. And I don't know, how can I change the icon in pcmanfm or thunar.
Depends. If you're using a WM, you could use lxappearance to change GTK and icon theme.
I am talking about changing one icon, not the theme.
Unia wrote:anabolikas wrote:No, pcmanfm hadn't started. And I don't know, how can I change the icon in pcmanfm or thunar.
Depends. If you're using a WM, you could use lxappearance to change GTK and icon theme.
I am talking about changing one icon, not the theme.
Those different colors should come automatically when xdg-utils / xdg-user-dirs is installed and xdg-user-dirs-update is run, AFAIK.
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres