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Pages: 1
I am looking to just have the stock kernel but would like the NR_CPU increased from 16 to something higher (I have 24 cores with hyperthreading on). I realize that I can build the kernel (was using this wiki page ) and use that but have had some difficulty with the boot not recognizing the root disk (despite using the same one as the previous kernel). Also using the abs tree seems to be a different kernel.
I am new to Arch but not linux and am wondering what the easiest thing would be here.
Any help would be appreciated.
File a feature request on the bug tracker.
Thanks, posted the feature request, though not sure how quickly that goes through if at all. I am wondering if there is a quicker solution?
OK, this was actually fixed in the most recent kernel upgrade. I was just using a poor mirror. All good now (and I deleted the FR).
Pages: 1