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Is there some way to use different module sets for different kernels? I have two different kernels which I need differing modules for. Otherwise, is the patch as simple as modifying rc.multi with conditional statements for uname?
I'm no expert by any means, but looking at /etc/rc.sysinit, it looks like it just modprobe's the names in MODULES:
# Load modules from the MODULES array defined in rc.conf
if [[ $load_modules != off && -f /proc/modules && $mods ]]; then
stat_busy "Loading Modules"
/sbin/modprobe --all $mods
unset mods
So I'm guessing you could just modify rc.multi or rc.local like you suggested.
Alternatively, if this is a more permanent setup, you might want to compile the necessary modules into the kernel.
Sadly compilation in-kernel isn't an option for all of them (some, but not all). I guess I will fiddle with rc.multi. Thanks!
You can use "uname -s" to get the kernel version.
Put this in your rc.conf
case $(uname -s) in
"2.6.38-ARCH") MODULES=(something) ;;
"2.6.38-ANOTHER") MODULES=(something_else) ;;
I think you mean "uname -r", -s returns just Linux ...
You can use "uname -s" to get the kernel version.
Put this in your rc.conf
case $(uname -s) in "2.6.38-ARCH") MODULES=(something) ;; "2.6.38-ANOTHER") MODULES=(something_else) ;; esac
Yeah, currently doing a test with uname -r. I was pretty sure this was the way, just wanted to check it wasn't already implemented and I was missing it.
@Radioactiveman: My bad...
Yes, I'm surprised there isn't a kernel boot option for that. That would seem like an obvious solution, but I checked and it isn't there. Would be more portable and simpler to configure (at least on a one-time setup). Just modify the bootloader conf, no messing around with shell scripts, which are easy to screw up. An automated install might a bit more complicated, though.
Anyone got an idea why there's not boot option to specify modules?
Last edited by Mast (2011-03-20 15:31:16)