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I wanted to sub-wine and run direct rendering error console Steam accounts, though it is installed the ati catalyst and catalyst-utils package.
Steam run on konsole :
Direct rendering complaining that it is turned off. I looked at the glxinfo-t, but unfortunately there is no such command. The catalyst was the catalyst and the arch-utils wiki can be packed. Also included in the menu.lst, I wrote a nomodeset-et. Then I searched in google and also modified the xorg.conf a little bit.
Xorg.conf :
Menu.lst :
Existing catalyst, which is subject to:
[root@vasy ~]# pacman -Ss catalyst catalyst-utils
catalyst/catalyst-utils 11.2-1 [installed]
AMD/ATI Catalyst drivers utilities and libraries.
catalyst/lib32-catalyst-utils 11.2-1 (lib32)
AMD/ATI catalyst driver utilities and libraries. (32-bit)
[root@vasy ~]#
What could be the problem? Why not go the direct rendering?
Thank you in advance for your answers to!
Excuse me for asking the obvious, but.. it shows that you don't have lib32-catalyst-utils installed there, which you probably need in addition to the 64 bit libs since Steam and most (all?) apps for it are indeed 32 bit. Have you tried installing that?
Also, for future reference, you can show us what packages are installed by using pacman -Qs packageName or pacman -Q | grep packageName for shorter output if the search query isn't part of the package description. Giving us output from a general search (-Ss) and having us look for the [installed] tag is frustrating in the event of a long list and will also ignore locally installed and Arch User Repository installed packages.
Second, glxinfo (glxgears too) is part of the package "mesa-demos". Be sure that is installed if you want to use those commands.
Next bleeding obvious question that needs to be asked anyway: did you mean to type "glxinfo -t" (with a space) instead of "glxinfo-t"? I would suggest "glxinfo | grep direct" to quickly determine whether or not direct rendering is enabled.
You probably have direct rendering active, steam is most likely just not running because it needs the 32 bit libs.
Last edited by FrozenFox (2011-03-23 17:17:51)
Glxinfo command :
Pacman -Qs | grep catalyst command :
The lib32-catalyst-utils pacman was just simply al-installed.
But it still leaves the Steam, when a user enters my name and my password. So throw in the surface and it can take approximately 5-10 seconds off.
The lib32-catalyst-utils is installed after the failure of the glxinfo and glxgears.
[root@vasy ~]# glxinfo -t
No protocol specified
Error: unable to open display :0
[root@vasy ~]# glxgears
No protocol specified
Error: couldn't open display :0
[root@vasy ~]# glxinfo
No protocol specified
Error: unable to open display :0
[root@vasy ~]#
Last edited by vasy (2011-03-23 17:46:32)
Line 4 of your glxinfo output says direct rendering is indeed working.
To your previous message: you are running all of those commands as root. They should be run as a normal user. Doing those as root would require some extra xorg-related commands I don't know off the top of my head, because I normally use a tool like sux to do that. Unless you have a special reason to do any of this as root, you should only do it as a normal user.
Please be sure your regular user (vasy) is in the 'video' group via the command "groups".
Run under the user vasy, after installing lib32-catalyst-utils, does wine/steam still say "err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly" ? If you ran wine/steam as root/sudo, you may have messed up your wine folder ( ~/.wine ) and will need to start over with it.
Last edited by FrozenFox (2011-03-24 16:15:41)
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