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Hi B.
I like that idea. I am currently make a minor change as to the way the taskfile is created and I'll include your sugestion.
Will report back soon.
" If it aint broke... Then you're not trying hard enough! "
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Hey guys.
Sorry for the long wait but it's been a hecting few weeks. Anyway, it's update time. I've made a few changes, some code optimization and implemented a few requests/suggestions.
@B: You can now use the same script with as many task lists as you like just call it with "... -f taskfile_1", ... -f taskfile_2 etc
You can grab the latested code here. Please also if possible, check out the wiki and comment, criticise and if you see anything that could be better let me know.
Also, as always, requests/suggestions and feedback are very much welcome and appreciated.
Cheers all,
" If it aint broke... Then you're not trying hard enough! "
Cool Palobo, gonna try that out soon . Thanks!
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
What is that font that says "Tasks" in the Conky view?
Sorry all for the delay and absence but unfortunately I've been dragged away from Arch and linux in general so I can't really check out the font info. Sorry.
" If it aint broke... Then you're not trying hard enough! "
hi all, I made a bash script of a very simple tasklist …
which I stores tasks on file, which then I can parse and display on conky … /tasklist/
got the idea today, reading this topic, redirected from the screenshots thread
feel free to copy, edit, use, improve, suggest features to the script etc
it's still very basic, and bugs exist, like handling special chars, like '!' '#' etc and reording the list when something gets removed
I hope I'll find time to fix and improve these as soon as possible
Last edited by c00kiemon5ter (2010-06-20 19:41:45)
.:[ git me! ] :.
Hey, sry I dont understand this
Then put the following in the root-menu wherever you'd like the SimpleTasks pipe menu to be displayed:
<menu id="pipe-tasklist" />
Where to place it? Why to do new menu entry when there is allready one named Task List?
I didn't get it either, I had the same bug as the 2nd post, I got an empty Tasklist-> menu, I tried different things, I looked up different revisions of the code, I changed some code (offcourse the paths), but I couldn't get it to work properly so I scripted the above ^^
.:[ git me! ] :.
ammon and c00kiemon5ster,
The first thing you add isn't the menu entry, but it's akin to declare a function on bash. You got to tell first, "here, by menu-X I mean this", and then, later on, you put "menu-X" wherever you want.
Regarding the other issue, it's probably because either you don't have created a text file for your task list (the script does not do it alone), and/or the paths and actual places for files and the script itself are in a mismatch. It happened with me, I executed it from the command line, and the script ended in a error message that was some "file not found" sort of thing.
Great script. I got to learn python someday, at least a little.
I'm running my own derivative of this that supports a primitive tag-sorting system. (It filters out any #twitterhashtagstyle words from the task string, and provides separate submenus for each hashtag in addition to a comprehensive list. Multiple tags are OK.)
I rewrote a lot of the stuff and didn't bother with the parts I'm not using, so some things (like Conky output) don't work anymore. It should be relatively easy to hack them back in if you have a need for that stuff.
Anyway, if you're interested, it's here:
Great script!
I'm trying to set this up for use in FVWM. I've got it displaying the New Task menu entry, the separator and the tasks. I just need help getting the last 2 print commands to output on the same line.
def print_menu(tf):
"""Print the pipe menu structure"""
print 'AddToMenu TaskMenu "TaskMenu" Title'
print 'AddToMenu TaskMenu "New Task" Exec exec %s' % ('xterm -geometry x++ -e "python ~/.fvwm/scripts/ -a new -f %s"' & tf)
print 'AddToMenu TaskMenu "" Nop'
i = 0 # Var for tasklist index needed for del_task()
for t in tasklist:
print 'AddToMenu TaskMenu "%s"' % t
print 'Exec exec %s' % ('python ~/.fvwm/ -f %s -a del -i %u ' % (tf, i))
i += 1
Last edited by greatant (2011-03-14 06:22:26)
Great script!
I'm trying to set this up for use in FVWM. I've got it displaying the New Task menu entry, the separator and the tasks. I just need help getting the last 2 print commands to output on the same line.
Am I missing something? It seems like this is really trivial. Like, try taking the two print statements, and simply merging them into one with a comma, e.g.:
print 'AddToMenu TaskMenu "%s"' % t, 'Exec exec %s' % ('python ~/.fvwm/ -f %s -a del -i %u ' % (tf, i))
There are other hacks to do this in Python but that's the easiest one. And if you don't wanna jam it all on one line, you can break it up after the comma with a backslash and continue on the next line, e.g.:
print 'AddToMenu TaskMenu "%s"' % t, \
'Exec exec %s' % ('python ~/.fvwm/ -f %s -a del -i %u ' % (tf, i))
Cheers, it works now.
I just have no idea how python works and couldn't work it out with google.
Here it is if anyone else wants an FVWM version: