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Greetings, in the spirit of my other projects, I have created another project that no one should do in bash, this time a musicbrainz tagger. Someone asked me to do it in irc since picard apparently sucks (I was not aware there even was such a thing as musicbrainz). So anyways, I did.
Here is the source:
To use it just "scriptname file" (where file is an mp3!)
It only takes one file as an argument. Right now it just tags Artist, Title, and Album. I found that the track numbers provided in musicbrainz were very unreliable.
It is also obviously not fully developed (should take extra filenames, allow to just apply first query match for better automation as an option, and so on). But it works fully as is. If people are interested in a fast (lol bash) musicbrainz tagger, I might develop it more (or better yet, YOU could develop it more). All the hard work is done, it's just trivial code to make it look better or behave more pleasingly.
Anyways, was a kind of bullshit thing I put together, but works surprisingly well. Check it out, see if it works, tell me what you think and whether you would use it (and think therefore I should do more with it than this little very basic implementation I currently have).
NOTE: This program depends on id3lib.
Last edited by bruenig (2011-03-27 07:04:46)
Good idea! You may want to check out Picard and see what it can do. It can also rename files, and it works on albums instead of songs since it'll most certainly find the 'wrong' album if you search for just the song. With 'wrong' I mean a multi-artist compilation album instead of the album on with the song debuted.
This redefines the meaning of 'bullshit' to me. ; ) Pretty handy, thank you. : )
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