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Anyone got any idea why booting without initrd fails even when there are no modules to be loaded (everything is built in to the kernel)? Everything goes fine if I make an initrd, but without one I get:
[ 6.xxxxxx] VFS: Cannot open root device "disk/by-uuid/e5426fc4-afde-4c1d-8ba0-da72b3c377e3" or unknown-block(0,0)
[ 6.xxxxxx] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
[ 6.xxxxxx] 0800 117220824 sda driver: sd
[ 6.xxxxxx] 0801 256000 sda1 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000sda1
[ 6.xxxxxx] 0802 116963800 sda2 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000sda2
[ 6.xxxxxx] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
[ 6.xxxxxx] panic occurred, switching back to text console
Last edited by neurolysis (2011-03-31 17:17:03)
IHMO, I think Arch isn't meant to be used without an initrd.
man mkinitcpio
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
[ 6.xxxxxx] VFS: Cannot open root device "disk/by-uuid/e5426fc4-afde-4c1d-8ba0-da72b3c377e3" or unknown-block(0,0)
Is there a missing / in the beginning of
device "disk/by-uuid/e5426fc4-afde-4c1d-8ba0-da72b3c377e3"
? Shouldn't it say /dev/disk/...?
Kernel26-eee-monolithic works with this:
title Kernel26-eee-mono
root (hdX,Y)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26-eee root=/dev/sda1 ro rootwait i915.modeset=1
Last edited by Cdh (2011-03-31 07:26:25)
฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz
The initrd contains sata controller + filesystem modules along with other modules for your hardware. Since you have excluded the initrd image the kernel can't find these modules and therefore can mount / and run /sbin/init.
Turns out that the actual by-uuid dev mechanism is contained within the initrd, just using /dev/sda2 works fine
@JokerBoy - For the default kernel yes, but I shouldn't need it for my own custom one with non-modular hardware support.
@Cdh - Seems normal, it's stripped by default for some reason.
@Pyther - Like I said, they are built into the kernel. Works now with UUID changed to actual device name.
Thanks anyway!
Pages: 1