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Very funny guys .
At first I went all WTF, then I realized Aprils Fool and then I went to "what if?"...
I've been reading the tagged tweets and some of these responses are getting hilarious. It appears there's an across the board relief that Ubuntu isn't involved though.
It appears there's an across the board relief that Ubuntu isn't involved though.
Read the small print: Ubuntu is being folded in as part of Debian. We get their huge userbase as well!
Ha! This whole thing is loaded full of conflicts and contridictions anyway. The end result of a project aimed at defragmenting the world of Linux distributions would be creating...wait for it... ONE MORE Linux distribution! "Let's put out a fire by adding more fire to it..."
Anyway, obviously a joke... even if it isn't meant to be, but an entertaining idea none the less.
- Swill
And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing.
I guess they're going to make us wait until tommorrow to know the truth? Damn it. You bastards! (Do you know how to keep an idiot in suspense?)
Ha! This whole thing is loaded full of conflicts and contridictions anyway. The end result of a project aimed at defragmenting the world of Linux distributions would be creating...wait for it... ONE MORE Linux distribution! "Let's put out a fire by adding more fire to it..."
Get rid of, what, 5 distros and create 1. Sounds like defragmentation to me. Not that I approve.
The point of having the different distros is so everyone can have what suits them anyway, right? Doesn't combining them all defeat the purpose?
Please put your pants back on, man, I feel weird having to ask twice.
Hum... I only had scare about "open minded as openSUSE"... Yast! nooooooooooooo | LOL
So... ARCH LINUX with pacman together portage (Sabayon like) + PKGBUILDs with the USE flags from ebuilds (or ebuilds more simple instead) + A really STABLE (debian like) option core/extra repository for server usage + the really pretty visual design from Suse (blue, not green of course)... Rolling Release, not will be different!!!
PS: A FreeBSD like Mascot hehe (i love it)
Sorry about my bad english!
EDIT: April Fool's joke (GMT -3:00)
Last edited by alexcortes (2011-04-01 02:50:23)
Haha, nice one, I believed it for a second. I was very worried when I typed and didn't see what I expected. Once I read what it was, I was like, okay, whatever, this could be cool But yeah, we all know that this could never work out, good luck trying that, see how long it lasts
This is one of the better ones I've seen though, nice job.
EDIT: Just realized it's on the OpenSUSE and Debian and Grml homepages too Very Nice. Gentoo's page is the same as before though.
Last edited by doorknob60 (2011-04-01 02:39:05)
At first I thought... sounds cool... but o lord the transition would be horrible.
And it would only be cool if Arch is the base. Otherwise you can't have the "simplicity of Arch". The Stability of debian and malleability of gentoo would def be cool though. (I don't know about the other 2 distros, so I can't comment about what they'd bring.)
Of course when you think about it, a stable bleeding edge distro is pretty much an oxymoron. Though a recompiling system /on top of/ the current package manager would definitely be nice. That way you could have the malleability and the convenience. (I know there is ABS etc... which really helps compared to other distros, but I have a feeling gentoo's source package manager is much more... integreated. Imagine if you could just like... "$ pacman --source --other-options-about-the-compile package"; would be cool. //EDIT: Nevermind, something at that level is probably possible with yaourt or something; but you know what I mean.)
Then I saw this thread, and that it was an April Fool's joke, and breathed a deep sigh of relief. GMT...
Last edited by sokuban (2011-04-01 02:54:40)
Mr. Swillis wrote:Ha! This whole thing is loaded full of conflicts and contridictions anyway. The end result of a project aimed at defragmenting the world of Linux distributions would be creating...wait for it... ONE MORE Linux distribution! "Let's put out a fire by adding more fire to it..."
Get rid of, what, 5 distros and create 1. Sounds like defragmentation to me. Not that I approve.
Ha! That's assuming that "getting rid" of any of the individual distros is actually a part of the plan. Even if it was, we're all quite aware of how open source software works. Look what happened when Open Office took a turn that wasn't approved of... see where I'm going? Someone else (or groups of someone elses) would run off with the source code of these various distros and "un-de-fragment" them. It simply isn't in the nature of the concept of this realm of software to be anything BUT fragmented. It's the nature of the beast.
- Swill
And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing.
The point of having the different distros is so everyone can have what suits them anyway, right? Doesn't combining them all defeat the purpose?
Of course however having so many different choices of distros is a mixed blessing. If you know what you want, you can probably narrow down the choices easily. If you don't know, then its a lot of distro hopping for you. And then theres the developer POV. Having to make their software work on multiple distros and deciding how to distribute it.
Hey, there's a guy on the suse site with a pre-alpha release. He says it's awesome!
Last edited by stlarch (2011-04-01 02:44:16)
lol I almost paniced at first. still march 31st here, though. haha that was hilarious
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
MSI CR600 / 3GB Memory / 320GB HDD / Intel Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00 GHz | Archlinux x86_64
is still march 31!
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. - Einstein
Black holes are nothing but gigantic galactic segfaults
Gentoo's page is the same as before though.
Hehehe, not anymore.
It's even better than the joke with ArkLinux
All your base are belong to us
lol I almost paniced at first. still march 31st here, though. haha that was hilarious
Hey, so you should correct your profile information. You state as being from tomorow, but you are from yesterday, indeed!
Satisfied users don't rant, so you'll never know how many of us there are.
Search about "Canterbury" HERE
Search about "Canterbury" HERE
Lol. thanks.
Beat Ubuntu!
Archlinux x86_64 on Thinkpad T400
Intel X4500MHD / ATI HD3470 Graphics, 2G RAM, 160G HD
Also the Canterbury page has taken over the main page for each of the distros except for Gentoo.
Dude, it's Gentoo... It took a while for them to recompile and decide on which USE flags to set, but they're up and running now !
DustinCasler wrote:Also the Canterbury page has taken over the main page for each of the distros except for Gentoo.
Dude, it's Gentoo... It took a while for them to recompile and decide on which USE flags to set, but they're up and running now !
Sounds like Gentoo! LOL
delerious010 wrote:DustinCasler wrote:Also the Canterbury page has taken over the main page for each of the distros except for Gentoo.
Dude, it's Gentoo... It took a while for them to recompile and decide on which USE flags to set, but they're up and running now !
Sounds like Gentoo! LOL
Ha! you guys make a very good point.
I hope this is a joke because I'm not laughing.
Although if the other distros are willing to accept the "Arch way" a rolling release cycle, pacman and develop a native ARM repo I'd be willing to accept this. lol
On a side note I've never heard of Grml, I'm going to have to check it out.
alexcortes wrote:delerious010 wrote:Dude, it's Gentoo... It took a while for them to recompile and decide on which USE flags to set, but they're up and running now !
Sounds like Gentoo! LOL
Ha! you guys make a very good point.
It's funny because it's probably true. LMAO