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I know there are some KDE-Addicts among the Arch-Linux users!
Did anyone already compile the packages for the new KDE 3.2 Beta 1 and could put them into incoming?
I've tried but kde-base didn't compile
apt-get install arch
I am typing this in the new kde 3.2 beta, it looks a bit different, new icons and such. So kde base does compile just fine in arch. It appears you just have to modify a few of the lines and it compiles just fine. Right now I only have a couple kde packages built and I doubt I will have them all compiled before I head off to bed tonight. If you want to, I can upload what I made tonight.
Kritoke Registered Linux User #318963
It would be great if you could upload your packages!
On my mashine compiling lasts hours...
They are being uploaded right now into incoming and I should upload the rest as they finish compiling.
Kritoke Registered Linux User #318963
KDE 3.2 sounds promising according to KDE's website:
<i>"With its 25 page feature plan, nearly 10,000 bugs closed and over 2,000 user wishes processed a complete report on what one can expect from Rudi would be so long that by the time you finished reading it, there would probably be a more current KDE release to try out. The only way to truly appreciate this release is to experience it first hand, but here are a few of the highlights anyways..."</i>