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I have been using amarok for a couple of days now seems ok
Wondered if there anything similar to it (with less bloat) ?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I like mpd w/ ncmpc as the front end, grok is also a good front end but I highly recomend mpd
-The more engineering courses I take, the more I lose my heart for engineering. I just want to F*@%ing build stuff!
mpd and gmpc and mpc and ncmpc
Quodlibet might fit the bill: … =quodlibet
Currently version 0.11
mpd does not look that easy to get going ... grabbed glurp ... just as well use Xmms :?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Try moreamp, I've submitted a PKGBUILD in AUR.
shameless self promotion:
I don't have anything against BMP, but I don't think it's anywhere near being a replacement for something like amaroK.
gmpc unstable is coming along nicely.
Download and compile from:
svn co gmpc
I really like Rhythmbox. You can set gstreamer 's output to alsasink (ALSA output) using GNOME's control center or gconf-editor.
On VIA audio, you can't use alsasink.
Also, Rhythmbox can freeze up if you try to fast-forward more than a minute or so.
On VIA audio, you can't use alsasink.
Also, Rhythmbox can freeze up if you try to fast-forward more than a minute or so.
I'm using a VIA audio solution and it seems to work fine with alsasink. It didn't until the 1.0.9 release of the alsa packages.
Oh? Well, too late then...
I am liking mpd very much .... glurp does what I want
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Glurp segfaults on me, ncmpc is fine though.
Currently looking at Madman. Looks good if music management is what you're after. Very nice.
Package is in AUR or see here (note pkgver is now 0.93):
Madman looks ok ... think its more for XMMS... but looking into that ;-)
Mr Green I like Landuke!
On VIA audio, you can't use alsasink.
It's been working just fine since 1.0.2/1.0.3 with my onboard VIA chip (using the snd-via82xx ALSA driver with a Gravis joystick).
Just reinstalled GStreamer and tried alsasink. No such luck... It still won't work with it.
MPD fits my needs very well. I have a MythTV box in my TV stand that holds all my music and is connected to my stereo. By having a central, dedicated music server I don't have to worry about my desktop being on. I can be in windows editting a video and controlling my music from my old dell laptop. That laptop can't handle gtk GUIs very well so ncmpc works great. My friends can even easily figure it out and play songs they want. I can wake up, pull out my laptop from under my bed, and listen to music. I can't even imagine a solution as integrated as this for windows.
The only thing that keeps me going back to amarok is a few features you wouldn't expect and some you would in a client/server program like MPD.
-the awesome sidebar
-integrated cd burning (sends to K3b)
-playlist sorting
Many of these are planned for the MPD .12 release but that isn't out yet. When I setup MPD is was really easy and I found myself using and liking it much more than I thought.
xmms. you can't beat it. many have tried, all have failed.
Just reinstalled GStreamer and tried alsasink. No such luck... It still won't work with it.
Have you installed the ALSA gstreamer plugin?
Uhh, where the heck do I get that? It's not in the Arch repos...
Yep, madman is the bees knees ("just sucks less than the alternatives" unquote madman website).
As well as its own interface, a web browser can also be used to search, play (locally) and stream (remotely). And its fast.
There's a devel version available but currently you have to jump through lots of hoops to install it, although it is possible.
(Make sure you follow the instructions for the devel vers. and don't try and use CVS or you'll waste alot of time. Madman now uses a different system, tla, even though the CVS links are still live).