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Trying to install from CD, but it all fails when i get to the install of GRUB.
menu.lst looks ok.
The only message i get is that it failed to install.
Been looking the forums and trying to install it manually and so on, but nothing seems to be working. For example, running grub and try to find the stage1 doesn't work, just says it can't find the file even if it's there.
go 2 partitions for linux (sda1, ext2 /boot and sda2 LVM'ed in three parts for root, home and swap). Also got sda3 with windows, even if i messed that one up so i can't boot it righjt now, but thats an issue for later on.
fstab also seems ok, afaik.
As i said, i've been looking on the forums and tried most of the things i've found, but nothing seems to work.
Any ideas?
FYI, i've only used distros like Ubuntu and so on. Arch is for learning more about Linux and it seems like a nice distro for that purpose.
I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enought....
I wrote this detailed post about using a /boot parition, then realized you already had done so. I've seen installs fail without this. Perhaps it's an LVM issue? I assume you've been here;
Last edited by oboedad55 (2011-04-09 20:07:45)
Registered Linux user #436067
Seems to be a bug in the installer. I had to create a separate /boot partition otherwise install fails. I saw a forum message yesterday that mentioned the url for the bug, so maybe you can find it by search? The /boot doesn't need to be very big, maybe 100 megs or so.
Registered Linux user #436067
I got my /boot as a separate partition already (yep, it's the boot for windows... as i said, thats a later problem). My /boot is the sda1 and the rest (root, home and swap) is on my sda2 using LVM. sda3 should be my windows 7 partition.
And i will have a look at LVM again, just to make sure i havn't missed anything there.
I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enought....
Have you tried installing grub2 instead? I think it has better LVM support. See here: … stallation
and here:
Guess i can take a look at grub2 aswell.
Tried installing grub using the grub shell.
First, as i said earlier, it seems like grub can't find the stage1 when looking for it.
Tried setup (hd0) anyways, getting the following errormessage:
Error 12: Invalid device requested
I've just googled it, seems like it can be some problems with the partation tables. I'll keep looking and have an eye open at grub2 aswell. I'm just so stubborn (spellcheck... My Englisg ain't that good) i'll keep on doing this until i get it to work properly.
Tried fixing the partition table with fdisk in expert mode. Ended up with the following errormessage:
ldm_parse_tocblock(): Cannot find TOCBLOCK, database may be corrupt
And still, i havn't got a clue what the h*ll the problem is....
Last edited by melw (2011-04-09 23:14:30)
I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enought....
Pages: 1