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So after a BIOS update, RAID card firmware update, and firmware update for all of my SSDs, I did a fresh install of my desktop - running Windows 7 64 for pro audio and Arch Linux 64 for everything else. Done this a million times, but suddenly I find myself up the creek without a paddle. My initial install went fine, but on first boot I get to "Mounting Local Filesystems" and it just hangs with [BUSY]. Furthermore, the activity light on my RAID card (LSI MegaRAID 9240-4i) goes out.
It's weird and I'd just blame the new firmwares except everything works fine on the Windows side. I've done this same install several times since 2.6.35 and never had issues. Arch includes the megaraid module and if there was something hosed I would imagine I'd have had issues during install. The boot process also has no issues during "Checking Filesystems" and mark both of my Linux partitions (100MB ext2 for /boot and about 70GB ext4 for /, no swap) as clean.
The only thing really any different about this install is it's my first go on 2.6.38. Anyone ever experience their RAID card dying during boot or have any suggestions on what could be causing this? Please and thank you. ;-)
Could it be /etc/fstab related?
No. My fstab is the same as it's always been and the same as my laptop, which works fine. It finally did a call trace one time, but my monitors went into powersave before I could copy it down because my keyboard dies at that point. It mentions the megaraid_sas module in there. I'll try to get it to do it again and post the trace if I'm able to.
If 2.6.37 works you know your culprit and ought to file a bug upstream?
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
Issue confirmed as being related to 2.6.38. Used an old core install image to install 2.6.33. Booted just fine proving my RAID card settings and fstab as sane. Updated to 2.6.38 and back to square one. New Fedora 15 freezes on its attempt to make changes to disk.
Pretty much SOL on this one. Don't have any real info to add to a bug report since I can't do anything on the machine after the freeze. Hoping this same issue isn't in 2.6.39 or I'm totally screwed. Can't believe nobody else has this issue with the megaraid module (according to my Googling anyhow...). :-/
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