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Hi, yesterday night I updated my Arch including one kernel update, at that moment I was using my webcam without problem, but this morning the video quality was bad. Is like the contrast and brightness had a wrong setup (but I cannot fix modifying them). I tried v4l2ucp and I get a little improvement (it seems like it gets better with time o_O), but still strange image, and also is not nice doing this every time I want to use camera.
My camera is a Logitech E1000 (Quickcam Easy/Cool) and I'm now on Kernel 2.6.36. The problem persists on every program on this machine, but in my other machine (with older kernel) there's no problem.
Any idea?
Best regards and thanks in advance.
My Quickcam E1000 wont even work, still trying to find a solution
I fixed my issue by creating a script for Quickcam E1000 as follows and then launching skype from the script
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype
exit 0
My cam now works perfectly
Hi! Thanks for your answer , I'm sorry I didn't answer before but I only got mail notification from your first answer.
I also use a script similar to that one (but on 64 bits, the path is a little different). With the last updates of kernel seems that it's working better but anyway I think the main problem is the software (Skype mainly) rather than the kernel drivers... If anyone knows a good alternative easy for non-informatics that would be more useful I think, but I would have to convince my friends... hehe