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Sorry to disturb you with such a trivial question but I will be glad if someone can teach me how to change the system language in Gnome3.
I tried the "System Settings>Region and Language" but the is only English as option.
It doesn't disturb me this much, but I am not the only user of this computer...
Thanks for your reading and (maybe) your answers.
Last edited by Silversun (2011-04-21 16:05:05)
mod. the file /etc/locale.gen
for example to add hungarian erase the # to
#hu_HU.UTF-8 UTF-8
#hu_HU ISO-8859-2
then run as root
restart x and now you can chose hungarian in region and language
Last edited by kolos (2011-04-21 15:53:59)
och noes!
Well done.
I searched for all the synonyms of the word "language" in the wiki, but I didn't think of this one...
Thank you very much.