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Pages: 1
Hi ppl.
I installed newest catalyst-test from the catalyst repo and I am trying to install catalyst-hook, but without any success.
Everytime I try to install it with pacman or yaourt I get messeges of dependencies problems.
Here it is:
resolving dependencies...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix will be installed before its catalyst-utils dependency
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix and xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix-test are in conflict (xorg-server). Remove xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix-test? [y/N]
If I accept this than I have to remove xorg-server-catalyst-maximize-fix-test. I dont want to do it.
I just want to automate fglrx re-compilation.
Any clues?
Last edited by webmasteryoda (2011-04-21 22:54:46)
this is out of date because of the way packages been split...but do you still need help with this or did you get it solved?
Pages: 1