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#1 2011-04-27 12:43:58

Registered: 2010-12-10
Posts: 96

[SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

I have compiled the kernel from source but as long as new kernel version are coming like an ever three days in last few months, it will be overwritten by next update. Is there a way how to exclude kernel from update via pacman?

Last edited by Behemot (2011-04-29 00:26:30)


#2 2011-04-27 12:52:55

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

man pacman.conf

Read up on "IgnorePkg".

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#3 2011-04-27 13:27:21

From: Budapest, Hungary
Registered: 2009-01-08
Posts: 1,928

Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

Also, you may install your new kernel alongside the stock kernel. Look at the many examples in the AUR, like kernel26-ck for example.

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#4 2011-04-27 14:19:54

Registered: 2009-05-06
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Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?


#5 2011-04-27 15:41:47

#archlinux@freenode channel op
From: The intertubes
Registered: 2004-11-07
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Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

Just don't name your custom kernel "kernel26"

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#6 2011-04-29 00:25:42

Registered: 2010-12-10
Posts: 96

Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

OK, thanks, I think this would be it :-)

Just one questin, since I do not watch Linux kernel development, is there going to be some calmer time when new kernel revision won't be caming out every few days? Just asking :-)


#7 2011-04-29 01:16:54

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

Behemot wrote:

OK, thanks, I think this would be it :-)

Just one questin, since I do not watch Linux kernel development, is there going to be some calmer time when new kernel revision won't be caming out every few days? Just asking :-)

I'd certainly hope not... its more like every few weeks in any case.

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#8 2011-04-29 09:01:20

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 4,587

Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

Behemot wrote:

OK, thanks, I think this would be it :-)

Just one questin, since I do not watch Linux kernel development, is there going to be some calmer time when new kernel revision won't be caming out every few days? Just asking :-)

The upgrades you see with pacman aren't always upstream updates. Sometimes, arch packages have to be modified to fix bugs, etc. and so there can be multiple upgrades in a short time.


#9 2011-05-01 07:53:44

Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 664

Re: [SOLVED] Is there a way how to exclude kernel from pacman updating?

B.t.w. in case you use clyde you need to edit the IgnorePkg line /etc/clyde.conf as well.


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