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my laptop is dell studio 1458
the system is the latest archlinx x64, and now i am using kde 4.6
the problem is that the fan of my laptop keeps running all the time and never stop.
Is there any solution to this problem?
The wiki said:This can ruin your hardware. A CPU fan is needed to cool your CPU and in this howto it will be turned off for a couple of seconds. If you are not comfortable with doing this, don't!'
Sounds like a little dangerous.
Are there any simillar gui softwares under kde?
The warning is there so that people realize they need to be aware of the possible outcome if they don't properly check their fans during the setting up of the software.
The guide even suggests to keep a constant watch on the CPU's temperature during testing, and suggests how you can immediately spin up the fans to max in case of a too high temperature:
Second warning: Some of the steps outlined below describe how to tweak fan speeds. Before doing this be sure you have a low cpu load and are comfortable playing around. If at any time during tweaking you notice the CPU temperature start to rise dramatically, do a echo "255" > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm1 to spin up the fan all the way until things cool down. Basically, you should know what you're doing before fooling with the configuration file.
Alternatively, there's a fan control deamon called dellfand. A related topic can be found here:
Essentially, all these tools do the same. The temperature is polled and the fan speed is adjusted.
As far as I know, there is no alternative way / graphical tool to do this for you.
considering this is a dell studio, have you checked the system's bios to see if the automated fan control is enabled?
Last edited by stefanwilkens (2011-04-29 13:03:18)
Arch i686 on Phenom X4 | GTX760
The wiki said:This can ruin your hardware. A CPU fan is needed to cool your CPU and in this howto it will be turned off for a couple of seconds. If you are not comfortable with doing this, don't!'
Sounds like a little dangerous.
Are there any simillar gui softwares under kde?
Well, I've never heard of anyone who toasted a CPU with setting up fancontol. But it's your choice.
I had no choice when I upgraded bios on my gigabyte motherboard , the last 4 versions just don't adjust fan speeds they are on full throttle all the time.
Also, usually you can set up bios to shut down computer if CPU temperature reach a certain level, so I can't see this thing so dangerous, but again, if you are not comfortable with it, don't do.
Anyway, did you change something in your BIOS? You may want to make a Load default, but I think you won't be comfortable with BIOS either. One thing I could suggest, try a liveCD e.g. Ubuntu and see what your fan does. If it's always on max speed, then your problem is in your BIOS settings / motherboard.
actually, I think it's the problem of kde. Probably, there are some essential softwares that I haven't installed. Under win7, the fan works fine.
The reason why I am so sensitive about cpu or even bios is that, My laptop is a dell laptop, and in the past year, I have ruined 4 motherboard>>> I don't want to cost any extra fee for dell again.
OMG. How did you managed to do that? Nevermind.
Now I understand your feelings.
Hey guy, according to the wiki ,
I run the command "sensor" and the output is:
[eddie@laptop ~]$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +26.8°C (crit = +88.0°C)
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1: +62.0°C
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +50.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 2: +43.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)
Seems like it can't identify my chip?
what can I do?
First you should run sensors-detect: … lm_sensors
Last edited by siriusb (2011-04-29 17:17:25)
Seems that it's your graphic card that is the hottest. If you don't want to use fancontrol, and if your fans run normally without KDE, you can try to disable 3D effects.
I did do every step according to the wiki , including sensor-detect. But the result was what I have posted above.
Does it imply the os can't idenditfy what my laptop is, so my fan is out of the os control?
Plus, I disalbed the 3d effect, and fan is still running. I really like kde, and don't want to abandon kde with such kind of problem. What can I do?
I have to tell you honestly, I don't understand your output of sensors. No fan speeds and no voltages at all. Why Core0 and Core2 and not Core0 and Core1? Strange.
However the values I think are correct, the 2 cores around 40-50°C and cpu temp 27°C. Maybe the temperature for your video card isn't too high either, there are models with high temperatures...
You have to seek advice from other person with more knowledge and experience than me. I'm not sure how you should proceed and don't want to give you wrong suggestions. You can still check out a linux liveCD and see whether it is linux related or DE related since you stated that you have no issue when running win7.
my laptop is dell studio 1458
the system is the latest archlinx x64, and now i am using kde 4.6
the problem is that the fan of my laptop keeps running all the time and never stop.
Is there any solution to this problem?
Before messing with the default fan triggers, you possibly want to be sure you have your CPU throttling drivers correctly working and also want to check that there is no process eating all the cpu resources.
The wiki page … cy_Scaling might be of some help.
Note that disabling the fan will make the CPU warmer, but on modern hardware the system will attempt to throttle down the CPU to prevent further heating -- which will make you loose performance. if you don't have the correct throttle drivers, then it might damage something.
my laptop is dell studio 1458
the system is the latest archlinx x64, and now i am using kde 4.6
the problem is that the fan of my laptop keeps running all the time and never stop.
Is there any solution to this problem?
You seem to have an ATI graphics card. I had a similar problem:
Perhaps it helps.
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Possibly this link may be of some help
Regarding this topic I have posted some personal experience to the thread which has "Mektub" linked:
Pages: 1