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I upgraded the kernel on my file server last night and rebooted and it appears that /dev/sda and /dev/sda swiched names. I have two 'drives' in the system, one is a system drive with my arch install on it (it used to be /dev/sda) and the other is a raid5 array (which used to be /dev/sdb.) The system now fails to boot because it can't find /dev/sda3 (where my / used to be.)
I'm a n00b and I don't know how to fix this and searches haven't helped yet because i'm not sure where to look.
- It doesn't seem to be an fstab issue, or at least changing my fstab didn't work.
- grub still works just fine, grub points at hd0,0 and loads my /boot but then when the kernel is loading it can't load sda3 because that is now named sdb3. It looks like the hd0 hd1 naming scheme is unaffected by the problem which is why the kernel can load.
- If I pull out my raid card the system boots up fine because that forces my system drive into being /dev/sda instead of suddenly being assigned /dev/sdb
- the fallback kernel was doing the same thing
Any help or even a point in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks! I think I got it from here
Pages: 1