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i have nvidia geforce 8400 gs card, after i uninstalled all other drivers, installed nvidia,nvidia-utils, then nvidia-config,then installed vpdau-video,then restart
i noticed that hardware and deamon checks screen after boot became huge letters as if no driver installed yet, and when i run lxterminal i noticed black window on the top left of the screen exactly the same size as the terminal window, and when i browse using chromium and the page contains flash video, the video window image stays on the screen.
Last edited by shalaby (2011-05-02 15:33:41)
That's quite strange; did you go through this part of the wiki?
I think current nvidia driver is broken - I have these black windows at some rare situations also (under KDE without effects; no under OpenBox). IIRC, nvidia developers mentioned somewhere in Arch bugs system they are aware of the problem.
"I exist" is the best myth I know..
then the solution is to remove it and install the open source one?
when i enabled composite all this disapeared.