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Good Afternoon Community,
After the initscript update was released, I decided it was time to do a reinstall, and use a new DE. I was going to use KDE over the now defunct Gnome2. My system was current up to that point and working perfectly.
Prior to the hard-wipe and reinstall, lmsensors was working perfectly.
I did the usual install and reformat of my particular drives using the 2010.05 CD and am using x86_64 arch as before.
My procedures for installs on friends machines and for me follow a typical pattern:
iterate through the pacman updates until all is current
blacklist nouveau
install xorg and the nvidia drivers
install the DE, in this case I went with KDE-meta packages.
Then I go about fleshing out the other stuff, microcode, sensors, libreoffice, vmware, etc. Restarting servies with the oaccsional reboot to ensure I've configured the rc.conf properly...
This install, lm_sensors refuses to detect the sensors themselves. It returns this error when I run
sudo sensors-detect
The error I get in return is:
No i2c device files found.
Yes I have followed the wiki and manually modprobed in the coretemp and the other mentioned modules, which in my previous install I never had to do.
Same response from sensors-detect.
The only differences I can detect is that the rc.conf has some changes, this install uses the kernel and my old one was on .4.
I noticed that even after a reinstall of the lmsensors package, the /etc/sensors.d folder is missing. Don't know if this is new, or it went away in a different update and I just didn't notice it.
The other potential issue is runlevel......I chose to modify the inittab per the KDE wiki to start KDE, rather than my old method of launching gnome was ia the .xinitrc/startx combo.
I don't know if this is causing a runlevel issue or not.
Any suggestions to restore functionality of my lm_sensors will be greatly appreciated!
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Last edited by dcbdbis (2011-05-05 15:51:54)
I have the same issue with sensors-detect.
According to this bug (, it is because the udevdb has moved to /run/udev, and sensors-detect does not check there...
I wonder if the same applies to Arch Linux?
Had the same problem.
Fixed it by running:
sudo modprobe i2c-dev
Save problem here. I modprobed the i2c-dev, and sensors-detect worked properly.
I noticed and installed an lm_sensors update this morning and rebooted.
All is normal.
THANK YOU very much, I appreciate the fix!
Thanks Kido, that did it for me too.