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Recently, in the last 2-3 weeks I don't get any notification from topics, however there were new posts and I have subscriptions. I checked my junk folder, but nothing.
From I keep getting emails. Any idea what is wrong?
Last edited by siriusb (2011-05-06 16:36:14)
Go to your forum profile, check the 'Privacy' tab - 'Set your subscription options'.
Another thing: Arch Linux Forums Mailer always writes
asdfghjkl has replied to the topic 'foo bar baz' to which you are subscribed. There may be more new replies, but this is the only notification you will receive until you visit the board again.
Maybe you haven't visited the forum in the meantime?
Last edited by karol (2011-05-04 11:47:58)
Privacy tab checked. Can't see any problem, but clicked on Submit for good measue.
I subscribed to this topic after my initial post, but got no email of your post.
Anyway I've just subscribed for one of the forums, want to know what will happen...
I changed my email address and with this new one email notification seems to work.