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I see. ScrotWM only checks for the config file in /etc and $HOME. So you were using no config file, which falls back to the default value of modkey=Mod1. So Alt was your modkey. (Mod4 default is an Arch patch.)
I've never seen blinking in the mouse or borders. I have seen blinking in the status bar under extreme system load. Could you describe the symptoms in more depth?
It was a tiny (maybe "decisecond") random but constant (3-5 seconds of blinking in a different intensity level, disappear, then another 3-5 seconds) blink that suddenly appeared in GUI apps, it fade in the 1st X restart.
But then, I realize that when master resize (shrink|grow) is required (with MOD+h|l) and the mouse cursor are located between 2 windows borders, the blinking started, and it stops when I change the layout or I change of "workspace". Only mouse cursor and window borders are affected, maybe an X issue that I can deal with.
I'll make a gif of this.
A real annoying thing that happens to me it's the mouse cursor and the all-time window focus, even if I hide the mouse cursor with unclutter.
If mouse cursor is located over "foo" window, I'm not able to switch to "bar" window with MOD+j|k after ~5 seconds of activity.
How exactly works the "focus_mode" option? Because none of the values (default, follow_cursor, synergy) seems to make a difference.
keenard, thank you so much for replying.
Last edited by teh (2011-05-10 17:32:14)
@teh: Do you use unclutter? I have had a similar issue with unclutter and many tiling window managers, including dwm and xmonad. Perhaps the '-noevents' flag would help.
@teh: Do you use unclutter? I have had a similar issue with unclutter and many tiling window managers, including dwm and xmonad. Perhaps the '-noevents' flag would help.
Thank you, Sir. Fixed
That problem never happened with dwm, wmfs and wmii.
I was playing with /usr/share/scrotwm/ and got a bit carried away. Figured I'd share and hope someone finds it useful.
Testing would be helpful as I'm running it in a VM so the battery is never charging or discharging. Hard to test cases when you don't have valid input for those cases.
Primary changes are (trying to) minimize the number of separate calls to programs (thus moving calculations into the inline awk programs) and re-flowing the code to make it more understandable to me. Oh, also I made sure no lines go beyond 80 or so... comments are welcome, enjoy!
# for scrotwm status bar
# From
# Heavily modified by David J. Weller-Fahy.
# Modifications released into the public domain.
#loops forever outputting a line every sleep_sec secs
while :
# Grab information about the battery state, such as...
# Is it charged/charging/discharged?
# If so, at what rate? What is its capacity?
# How much time left until it is empty/full?
if test -f $batstate -a -f $batinfo
power=$(cat $batstate $batinfo | awk '
/charging state/ { b_state = $3; }
/present rate/ { b_rate = $3; }
/remaining capacity/ { b_left = $3; }
/present:/ { b_present = $2; }
/last full capacity/ { b_lastfull = $4; }
b_percent = (b_lastfull != 0 ? 100 * b_left / b_lastfull : 0);
if (b_present == "yes") {
if (b_state == "charged") {
power = ("ON AC, " b_state " " b_percent "%");
if (b_state == "charging") {
b_tilfull = b_lastfull - b_left;
b_tilfull = 60 * b_tilfull;
b_tilfull = b_tilfull / b_rate;
power = ("ON AC, " b_state " " b_percent);
power = (power " C=" b_left_wh "Wh");
power = (power " Rate=" b_rate_w "W");
power = (power " TTF=" b_tilfull "min");
if (b_state == "discharging") {
b_run_min = b_left / b_rate;
b_run_min = b_run_min * 60;
b_run_hh = b_left / b_rate;
if (b_run_hh < 10)
b_run_hh = 0;
b_run_mm = b_run_min - (b_run_hh * 60);
if (b_run_mm < 10)
b_run_mm = 0;
power = ("ON BATT, " b_percent);
power = (power " C=" b_left_wh "Wh");
power = (power " Rate=" b_rate_w "W");
power = (power " Rem=" b_run_hh ":" b_run_mm);
if (b_present == "no") {
power = "ON AC, NO BATTERY";
printf "%s", power;
' -)
unset batstate batinfo
# Grab CPU temperatures and fan speed.
# This is limited to two CPUs and a single fan - for more flexibility
# and greater detail, setting up custom output from lm_sensors would
# be useful.
sensors=$(which sensors 2>/dev/null)
if test -x $sensors
# Scrotwm bar_print can't handle UTF-8 characters, so remove them.
#Core 0: +67.0°C (crit = +100.0°C)
temp_spd=$($sensors | sed -e 's/[°+]//g' | awk '
core0is = 0;
core1is = 0;
fan1is = 0;
/^Core 0/ {
core0temp = $3;
core0is = 1;
/^Core 1/ {
core1temp = $3;
core1is = 1;
/^fan1/ {
fan1spd = $2;
fan1is = 1;
if (core0is) {
cpu = (" Tcpu=" core0temp);
if (core1is)
cpu = (cpu ", " core1temp);
if (fan1is)
cpu = (cpu " " fan1spd);
printf "%s", cpu;
' -)
unset sensors
# Grab information about the wireless configuration.
iwconfig=$(which iwconfig 2>/dev/null)
if test "$iwconfig" != ""
ssid="$(${iwconfig:-true} wlan0 | grep 'wlan0')"
ssid="$(echo $ssid | awk -F '"' '{ print $2; }' -)"
if test -f $wireless
wlan=$(sed -e 's/[.]//g' | awk -v ssid="$ssid" '
/wlan0/ {
qual_percent = 100 * $3 / 70;
signal = $4;
noise = $5;
/Tx-Power/ {
wlan_power = sub("^[^=]+=", "", $4);
wlan = (ssid ": Q=" qual_percent "%");
wlan = (wlan " S/N=" signal "/" noise " dBm");
wlan = (wlan " Pwr=" wlan_power " dBm");
printf "%s", wlan;
' -)
unset iwconfig ssid wireless
# Grab the CPU's speed.
if test -f $cpuinfo
freq=$(grep 'cpu MHz' $cpuinfo | sed -e 's/^.*://; s/\..*$//')
unset cpuinfo
# Grab the load averages.
uptime=$(which uptime 2>/dev/null)
if test -x "$uptime"
load=$($uptime | sed 's/^.*://; s/,//g')
unset uptime
# Grab the total, free, and percent used memory.
if test -f $meminfo
mem=$(awk '
/^MemTotal/ { mem_total = $2; }
/^MemFree/ { mem_free = $2; }
mem_used = mem_total - mem_free;
mem_percent = mem_used * 100 / mem_total;
printf "mem=%d free=%d used=%.1f%%", mem_total, mem_free, mem_percent;
' $meminfo)
unset meminfo
echo "$power $temp_spd $freq $load $mem $wlan"
unset power temp_spd freq load mem wlan
sleep $sleep_sec
I do love Awk. Sadly all the wifi and battery stuff does not work here. I see
Q=% S/N=/ dBm Pwr= dBm
for the wifi and nothing (plugged in or battery) with regards to power.
Thanks for trying it! Would you mind posting the content of /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state and /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info and /proc/net/wireless?
I didn't know iwconfig takes think about changing the interface name in the script (I use it in a VM and don't have wireless in there). My bad.
Try replacing any instance of wlan0 with your wireless interface, and see if that works to get the wifi data working. If not, I'll start digging further.
Last edited by sinecure (2011-05-27 02:45:33)
Anyone have a working config with a systray properly docked so to speak?
Anyone have a working config with a systray properly docked so to speak?
i would be interested in this too
I added a quirk to display Virtualbox fullscreen but I still see the scrotwm status bar at the top. Is it possible to make an application fullscreen?
I added it to my ~/.scrotwm.conf like this:
quirk[VirtualBox:Qt-subapplication] = FULLSCREEN
Not sure if there's an automated way of doing it, but Mod+b will toggle the status bar. It'll do it for all workspaces.
" cannot be angry when one looks at a penguin." - John Ruskin
"Life in general is a bit shit, and so too is the internet. And that's all there is." - scepticisle
I have been able to spend time on scrotwm after it started to show some
issues with the latest X. I rewrote the focus code yet again and it is
much simpler now that I am tossing a whole bunch of events. It should
also be a little faster.
What prompted this was a contribution from to add an iconic
state. This works by hitting M-w to icon a window and M-S-w to get a
list of currently iconed windows (using dmenu).
I am still working out a few kinks but I really could use some test
results from heavy users. Don't want to run a snapshot just yet until I
fix some border coloring issues.
It also contains the fix from to make windows appear
in the correct workspace.
So get the code at:
and go into the linux directory and type make.
Then copy the binarieswhere your distro likes them.
Log issues at: … 8&do=index
Last edited by marco_p (2011-06-12 17:03:27)
Or just make the scrotwm-cvs package from AUR.
My first impression of the iconify mode - it really needs to tell you that iconified windows even exist. Either a simple boolean flag (there are windows you can't see) or an integer count of how many iconified windows exist on that workspace.
Here is another patch I've been working on. It changes the layout indicator to display the mwin and stack count. Normally these numbers are hidden. Pressing mod-comma and mod-period change how many windows are in the master half. Mod-< and mod-> change the columns in the other half. It was really easy to get lost in the layouts.
Now, the old [|] indicator looks like [1|1] where the numbers represent the mwin and stack. Hard to explain, easy to use.
--- scrotwm.c.orig 2011-06-13 18:19:28.000000000 -0400
+++ scrotwm.c 2011-06-14 17:45:32.000000000 -0400
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ struct workspace {
struct swm_region *old_r; /* may be NULL */
struct ws_win_list winlist; /* list of windows in ws */
struct ws_win_list unmanagedlist; /* list of dead windows in ws */
+ char stacker[10]; /* display stacker and layout */
/* stacker state */
struct {
@@ -1089,6 +1090,16 @@ setscreencolor(char *val, int i, int c)
+set_stacker_string(struct workspace *ws)
+ strcpy(ws->stacker, "[ ]");
+ if (ws->cur_layout == &layouts[0])
+ sprintf(ws->stacker, "[%d|%d]", ws->l_state.vertical_mwin, ws->l_state.vertical_stacks);
+ if (ws->cur_layout == &layouts[1])
+ sprintf(ws->stacker, "[%d-%d]", ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin, ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks);
custom_region(char *val)
unsigned int sidx, x, y, w, h;
@@ -1211,7 +1222,6 @@ bar_update(void)
char cn[SWM_BAR_MAX];
char loc[SWM_BAR_MAX];
char *b;
- char *stack = "";
if (bar_enabled == 0)
@@ -1248,11 +1258,8 @@ bar_update(void)
bar_window_name(cn, sizeof cn, r->ws->focus);
- if (stack_enabled)
- stack = r->ws->cur_layout->name;
snprintf(loc, sizeof loc, "%d:%d %s %s%s %s %s",
- x++, r->ws->idx + 1, stack, s, cn, bar_ext,
+ x++, r->ws->idx + 1, r->ws->stacker, s, cn, bar_ext,
bar_print(r, loc);
@@ -2362,6 +2369,7 @@ stack_config(struct swm_region *r, union
if (args->id != SWM_ARG_ID_STACKINIT);
+ bar_update();
@@ -2388,6 +2396,7 @@ stack(void) {
g.h -= bar_height;
r->ws->cur_layout->l_stack(r->ws, &g);
+ set_stacker_string(r->ws);
/* save r so we can track region changes */
r->ws->old_r = r;
@@ -5724,6 +5733,7 @@ setup_screens(void)
ws->cur_layout = &layouts[0];
+ set_stacker_string(ws);
Last edited by keenerd (2011-06-14 21:55:52)
It was a labor of hate^Wlove but here it is 0.9.30. … 0.9.30.tgz
* FS#24 show window title in status bar
* add border_width for bar and windows
* fix applications like xemacs that would endlessly redraw themselves
* FS#92 add feature to iconize applications
* fix launch library to not crash with new X
* rewrite most of the focus code in order to fix a bunch of nits that
were becoming pretty bothersome
* fix bug where the border on full screen apps were off by one
* no longer allow one to next or previous into a parent window
* when moving a transient to another workspace move the parent as well
* sort windowlist in order to simplify the "focus next" code
* remove logic from enternotify by preventing those events from ever
making it there
* work around transients that lie about their parent window; this fixes
a ton of little nits that were not obvious
* add FOCUSPREV quirk to force application on exit to focus on the
application that launched them (e.g. focus on xxxterm that launched
* prevent double red bordering when an app crashed
* fix drag-to-float
segfault (3 in ~36 hours) with 0.9.30
scrotwm[11805]: segfault at 20 ip 0804d3d7 sp bfc05200 error 4 in scrotwm[8048000+11000]
That never happened in previous version.
Last edited by teh (2011-06-16 22:45:38)
Check out the latest CVS. There is a race condition. Details: … php?id=120
New snap with linux fixes. … 0.9.31.tgz
* add autorun option to start application in certain work spaces
* fix a crash seen on linux and potentially other OS'
* re-add scrotwm.desktop
* realloc fixes
* cleanup
I tried using this color value in ScrotWM but the color was wrong.
Somehow I figured out that ScrotWM cannot accept values with three digits so the color I was seeing was 83/93/10. Is this a known issue?
anonymous_user: The colors are hex. So they go from 00 to FF.
In other news, with this snap ScrotWM enters the community repo!
So do I just convert 108 to hex?
Or, as an example, how do I convert a color like #535d6c for use in ScrotWM?
Last edited by anonymous_user (2011-06-23 05:37:29)
So do I just convert 108 to hex?
Or, as an example, how do I convert a color like #535d6c for use in ScrotWM?
The easy way, use GIMP color picker
I screwed up the last release by introducing a mean crash. Please use the 0.9.32 snapshot instead.
@cyrusza - Can you be more specific? I picked the color but I'm not sure where to get the rgb hex value?
Sure: In your screenshot, the RGB is 83/93/108 - the HEX value is that in the bottom field, 535D6C that corresponds to 53(R)5D(G)6C(B).
You can change any field (HEX, RGB, HSV), the others will be automatically adjusted
The fact that scrot writes the color code as: rgb:53/5D/6C instead of #535D6C confused me. Particularly since the default colors are all numerical.