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After compiling new kernel, I am getting: Module acpi_cpufreq not found
Is this module for Intel Core 2 Duo processors? If so, which option do I need to enable during kernel compilation?
it's 'acpi-cpufreq', not 'acpi_cpufreq' and yes - that should be the module for a Core2Duo.
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
Well, it was compiled not as module. Is that a problem?
If its not compiled you can't load it. Actually the module is for all intel processors. It works my acer aspire one which has an intel atom processor
I loooked at the .config file and it is compiled, just not as module but into the kernel.
Will that be a problem?
As far as I know, its supposed to run as a module since there's no actual kernel code that will activate it.
I have the module hard coded into the kernel
$ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i cpufreq
# CPUFreq processor drivers
And it works fine. Obviously, you won't be able to load it as a module if it's hard coded, but you should have the functionality available.
Did you configure any of the scaling governors?
I recompiled the kernel because I was making some other changes, too, and now I compiled it as module. I have not undervolted it yet but should get around to it in few days time.
It is somewhat a problem, though, that PHCtools do not work on Arch due to incompatibility with python3.
Python3 is the default in Arch Linux now but python2 is still installed and you can tell a python script to use python2 instead.
Use that as header:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
no place like /home
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