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I'm trying to crosss-compile a rather large project to arm, more precisly N900.
The project contains boost_program_options and tinyxml, that might meen trouble
in the future but first the basic compiler
Tried the scratchbox on arch but that failed on install maybe, I'llretry.
So i've installed the cross-arm-elf-* packages and (in a perfect world) I would
expect to change the compiler in the makefile from g++ to arm-elf-gcc. But
that didn't do the trick.
arm-elf-gcc: error: makeutil/getdep.cpp: C++ compiler not installed on this system.
arm-elf-gcc -v tells me --enable-languages=c
Is there a c++ compiler for arm? Yes there is.
Installed the arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++ but that one doesn't know #include <set>
Am I missing something?
So far very happy with arch, don't want to go back to debian just because of that.
Last edited by The_Tall1 (2011-05-19 13:42:57)
I’m not familiar with Arch-specific cross compiler packages. But it sounds like maybe you need to install the C++ standard library (STL). Also the differing compiler prefixes sounds a little worrying.
I am a little confused by this:
> Do the arm-none-eabi toolchain libraries support the C++ standard template
> libraries?? If not, is there any easy way to implement this support, perhaps
> for a subset of the STL?Yes, our releases include the STL as part of the C++ runtime library.
So the internal linking must be wrong. I'll have a closer look about that.
Pages: 1